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Personal and Professional Development (PPD) Plan

Foundation Degree in Business and Management (Year 1)

Personal and Professional Development 1


School of Business Management and Professional

Semester 2



Completion of this work will satisfy the following learning outcomes from module:

LO2 Apply a model of goal setting and reflection to analyse personal and professional development

LO3 Evaluate problem solving and decision-making techniques to aspects of their personal/professional development

LO4 Reflect on the development of transferable skills through the business management programme


You are required to write a Personal and Professional Development (PPD) Plan for yourself. The plan is a written account of self-reflection and improvement, which should also provide a detailed action plan used to fulfil academic, personal, or career-based goals

You must recognise your strengths and weaknesses and establish aims and objectives to help identify the need for improvement. Your plan should consist of your own personalised CPPD (Continuous Professional Personal Development) that will help you to objectively identify any new goals you may have set and outline changes made to your plan based on your evaluation (LO2, LO3)

Reflect on your personal and professional development to identify the transferable/ employability skills you have developed over the duration of the course. Consider how the development of these skills will enable you to be successful on the course and within the workplace. (LO4)

Other relevant assessment information:

When creating your own Personal and Professional Development Plan, it is essential to make sure it accurately outlines your personal goals, why they are important to you, and how you plan to achieve them.

Although all PPDs are specific to each individual, the plan will generally detail your ideal future based on your short and/or long-term ambitions. Areas of development will be specific to you, and could be centred on work, education, or self-improvement.

It should also always recognise the potential obstacles you might face, and how you propose to overcome them – and if the roadblocks cannot be tackled, include a contingency plan to help your career keep moving forward.

Word count is 2500 (+/- 10%)

The completion of your work will satisfy 75% of the assessment for the PPD1 module


The skills development opportunities identified in this assignment are:

Understanding the nature and importance of transferable skills and qualities necessary for employment in a range of business sectors

Organise and complete a professional development portfolio of evidence of activities

Consider how to improve their own learning and performance



Indicative Content


Personal and Professional Development Plan

SWOT based on your skills assessment with clear links to higher education and personal performance. Good use of SMART goals that enable effective reflection and monitoring to identify improved professional practice over time, within timescales, and where outcomes are evident and measurable. CPPD plan is detailed and incorporates a range of planned activities that are fully justified enabling the achievement of goals within timescales set. A clear link to your SWOT, goals and planned CPPD activities should be apparent. (Task 1)

Issues and problems explored and their impact on planned CPPD activities considered within your evaluation and changes made outlined within your reflective analysis. Reflective statements should be incorporated to provide analysis of progress made against planned personal professional development activities linked to targets and goals. Evidence of carrying out 10 hours of CPPD is required. (Task 2)

Your reflective practice should consider the development of transferable/employability skills based on engagement in CPPD activities and your programme of learning. The portability of these skills and their importance to success in employment and on the course should be explored. (Task3)

Attribution of higher grades are associate with:

evidence of good research and judgements made supported by business theory within all written work

evidence of wide reading around topics to support conclusions drawn

effective use of the Harvard referencing format

good use of spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout all written work





Undergraduate Generic Marking Criteria Foundation Degree Level 4

Level 4 (Certificate)


Level 4 (Certificate)


Level 4 (Certificate)



Exceptional work with presentation of a very high standard. There is coherence of ideas and demonstration of a thorough knowledge and understanding. Arguments are supported by wide reading with very effective use of source material and accurate referencing.



Outstanding work with presentation of a very high standard. There is coherence of ideas and demonstration of a thorough knowledge and understanding. Arguments are supported by wide reading with effective use of source material and accurate referencing.



Extremely good work with presentation of a high standard. There is coherence of ideas and demonstration of thorough knowledge and understanding. Arguments are supported by wide reading with appropriate use of source material and accurate referencing.



The work is well presented and coherently structured. There is evidence of a sound knowledge and understanding of the issues with theory linked to practice where appropriate. Most material used has been referenced/acknowledged.



Presentation is acceptable but with some errors. There is knowledge and understanding of issues under discussion and some evidence of the application of knowledge and ideas where appropriate. Some use of relevant source material.



Presentation is acceptable but attention to structure and style is required. The content is relevant but largely descriptive. There is evidence of a reasonable level of knowledge and understanding but there is limited use of source material to support the arguments, proposals or solutions. Some links are made to practice where appropriate.



The work is poorly structured and presented. Some material may be irrelevant. Content is based largely on taught elements with very little evidence of reading around the topic and little or no reference to practice where appropriate.



The work is very poorly structured and presented. Much material is irrelevant. Content is based almost entirely on taught elements with very little evidence of any purposeful reading around the topic. No effective reference to practice where appropriate. To obtain a mark of 20% the work must show evidence of a genuine attempt to engage with the assessment requirements and with the subject matter.


0-19 %

The work is extremely poorly structured and presented. It demonstrates no real knowledge or understanding of key concepts and principles. Much material is irrelevant. No effective use of supporting material. No reference to practice where appropriate. Not a genuine attempt to engage with the assessment requirements and/or subject matter.



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