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Throughout this course, you have been introduced to numerous tools to add to your arsenal for effective instructional strategies. Finally, you get the opportunity to help Ms. Herstory improve her integration of technology in the classroom. Choose one of the U.S. history topics below, and decide how Ms. Herstory can embrace technology to teach this unit to her class: 

a) World War I, 

b) World War II, 

c) Vietnam War, 

d) Gulf War, 

e) War in Afghanistan, 

f) or Iraq War. 

You must perform a Web quest to locate various technology resources and websites that Ms. Herstory could embrace to teach an effective history lesson. Keep in mind that she has a limited budget at her disposal, so you must choose wisely. Any resource that you suggest must either have a free option or cost no more than $50. (Remember, she is a first-time public school teacher, and she has already spent the district-allotted funds for the year.) 

Your suggestions for Ms. Herstory should contain the selection of a minimum of two resources. You must use the (ATTACHED) template provided, and complete the requirements for each section. Click here to access the template.

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