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PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS NO PLAGARISM This is a Source Stduy so please refrain

PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS NO PLAGARISM This is a Source Stduy so please refrain from using outside sources. I have provided all the pdfs of the book needed. Below are detailed instructions, It should help in knowing what’s expected of the paper. MY TOPIC; YOU CAN CREATE A THESIS STATEMENT OF YOUR OWN CHOICE AND WRITE THE PAPER TO SUPPORT YOUR STATEMENT BY ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS LISTED BELOW. Question: According to this extract from Athanasius’ Life of St. Anthony, how did Anthony become an ascetic and holy man? What inspired Anthony, and what do we learn about the discipline and ‘training’ (askesis) he practiced to become a holy man and the recipient of divine grace? What did this training seek to renounce and to control? According to Athanasius, what spiritual and physical qualities did Anthony attain, and what supernatural powers were granted to Anthony by God? THE REQUIRED SOURCES TO CITE AND GET INFO TO ANSWER THE QUESTION.(I HAVE UPLOADED THEM HERE ALREADY) Geanakoplos, text #120 (Athanasius, Life of St. Antony)(I UPLOADED THE ENTIRE BOOK BUT ALSO SCREENSHOTS OF THE SPECIFIC EXTRACT) HST 216: Source Studies – Instructions and Questions o The pursuit of the past, and the study of History is all about asking questions and interrogating primary sources that can give us answers to our questions. o A Source Study is a critical analysis of assigned primary sources to answer a set historical question, which is written in a historical essay format. o The intended learning outcomes: that students will learn how to interpret Byzantine primary sources, using internal and external criticism; will learn how to write historical essays; and will gain a deeper understanding of the question’s subject. INTRODUCTION: Your answer must begin with an introduction that introduces and sets up your essay – the topic, the question, your proposed answers, and the source used. A good introduction is therefore crucial to the success of a good paper. Try writing the introduction last, after writing out your arguments and conclusions – this often makes writing the introduction easier and clearer. Use the sample Introduction here provided as a model, and the read carefully the excellent explanation and examples of what is, and is not a thesis in Rampolla, Writing in History, sections 4c and 4d. Your Introduction should (and in this order): o introduce the topic of the question, e.g., the importance of craftsmen/merchants or food supply for maintaining Constantinople, or the importance of official speeches and treatises in shaping the imperial image, and public expectations of the emperor. o repeat the question chosen (you can repeat it word for word) and the supply your proposed answers to it – what historians call your historical thesis. o name the primary source that you will use to prove your thesis, also briefly explaining what kind or type of primary source it (e.g., official law code, an official speech, a treatise on kingship, epic literature, poetry, religious/ritual text, historiography, philosophical tract, law code/edict, historical biography, etc.), its author (if known), its intended audience and purpose/s. ARGUMENT: Your argument follows the introduction and is the main part of the essay. Here you answer the question at length, making points based on your interpretation of the set text. o Your argument should follow the same order as the question. o You should support your points by quoting and by citing your primary source/s in footnotes or endnotes. o Quotations should be brief (no more than one sentence) and to the point (remember to enclose such quotations within “ ” speech marks). o On the appropriate quotation of the source in support of your argument see Rampolla, Writing in History, section 7, especially 7b and c (footnotes and endnotes, bibliography, and formatting guidelines). o For citations you must use either footnotes (listed at the foot of the page) or endnotes (listed at the end of your paper). Your word processing program will perform these functions for you automatically – you just need look at the program’s “help” files and to click on the right button! Do not mix these two systems together – choose one and stick to it. All footnotes or endnotes, and bibliographies must be in Chicago Manual of Style format, as used in humanities scholarship. The footnotes or endnote should contain the full bibliographic citation and the exact page, extract number, and even chapter heading and line number referred to in the text. For more guidelines on note (and bibliography) citation in Chicago format see Rampolla, Writing in History, section 7c (documentation models). o So-called MLA citation or APA citation in brackets or parentheses used in the social sciences are NOT acceptable and papers adopting this form of citation will be returned to be reformatted in Chicago format. CONCLUSION: Your essay must close with a conclusion, summarizing your argument/points made, perhaps ending on a note of broader historical significance regarding the question and topic of the essay. BIBLIOGRAPHY: A bibliography of the reading materials used to write your source study essay must be attached to the end of the paper. This will be brief as you will be citing wither a Handout or Geanakoplos. o All bibliographic references must be in full and in alphabetical order by author/s second name; if there is no known author then they can be ordered alphabetically by title. o Each entry should follow this order: first, known author of the source (if known), title of source enclosed by “ “ speech marks. If this is on a handout, then the title of the handout will suffice, e.g., “HST 216: Constantinople: Emporium of the World.” o If the primary source for the essay is in Geanakoplos you must write the full bibliographic citation of the book, starting with the author’s/s’ name/s and title of the book, then followed by the place, press, and date of publication. o This information can be found on the back of a book’s title page, or in the syllabus. For more documentation models for the preparation of bibliographies in Chicago style format, see Rampolla, Writing in History, sections 7c-2 and 7c-3. When analyzing primary sources, think like a Historian: see Rampolla, Writing in History, sections 1a, 1b & 4b). o Do not be tempted to psycho-analyze your subject, OR to see the past as a literal mirror of the present, assuming that people in the past thought like us today, OR to condemn the past, judging it in the light of what we assume to be ‘true’ in the present. You must always interpret texts in the light of their historical conditions or historical context while seeking to explain WHY or HOW ancient people behaved, thought, etc., and what this can tell us about ancient cultures. o Do not use sloppy language, conversational English or expressions of amazement in your writing. This includes clichés, or old, hackneyed expressions, such as “last nail in the coffin” or “changed the course of history”. Do not use the term “etc.” – this is lazy and an excuse not to explain in full. You must explain in full exactly what you mean. Essay writing is formal writing and so requires the formal language and conventions of intellectual discourse. o Avoid sweeping and problematic generalizations that cannot be supported, e.g., “Since the beginning of time human nature has remained unaltered…”. Avoid vague, empty statements – be specific in your points and the evidence cited from the sources in support. Explain the meaning of specialized terms and concepts and identify individuals and institutions you mention. You may assume that I know what they mean, but the point of the exercise is for you to show me how much you know and understand. Examples of how to cite in Footnotes following Chicago Format For a detailed description of footnote/endnote formatting see Rampolla, Writing in History, sections 7b-1 and 7c-1. Published Resources: Examples of citing in notes (book/journal titles can be italicized, as here, or underlined): 1 D.J. Geanakoplos, Byzantium. Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986), 293-295, #212a. 2 J. Alchermes, “Constantinople and the Empire of New Rome,” in Heaven on Earth. Art and the Church in Byzantium, ed. L. Saffran (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998), 19-22, fig. 1.8. 3. Herrin, J., Byzantium. The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009), 141-147. Non-Published Media: How to Cite a Class Handout: 3 Handout, HST 216: Constantinople: Emporium of the World, 4-6, #3, Book of the Eparch. Examples of Bibliography following Chicago Format Bibliography should be placed after the end of the source study essay and arranged alphabetically by author second name. If no author, by title – titles of books/journals in italics or underlined. Take note of the differences between this system of citation compared with that for footnotes or endnotes, which cite specific pages, sections, chapters, lines, and figures. For a detailed description of bibliography Chicago formatting see Rampolla, Writing in History, section 7b-2, 7c-2, 7b-3. Primary Sources in Translation: Geanakoplos, D.J., Byzantium. Church, Society, and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. Handout, HST 216: Constantinople: Emporium of the World. Secondary Sources: A book chapter: Alchermes, J., “Constantinople and the Empire of New Rome,” in Heaven on Earth. Art and the Church in Byzantium, edited by L. Saffran. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998, 13-38. A book: Herrin, J., Byzantium. The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.

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