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please write a report detailing how you practice behaviors in your life that sup

please write a report detailing how you practice behaviors in your life that support and advance your goal using concepts from this course. Apply concepts from this course, to your behavior to meet your communication goal. You can include either one NEW I statement. You cannot use the same statements from your previous reports. The first paragraph should be your communication goal. Please write about actual behavior change that you did based on concepts from this course. But there is a whole textbook full of ideas, let those ideas influence your behavior and write a report about it. Reference the skill, principle or theory, (put the page number you found it on in parenthesis right next to the concept) and give specific examples of how you have applied these elements into your life and changed your behavior. The focus on the paper/report is on how you changed your behavior, not on explaining course concepts. To earn the whole 50 points you must also include 2 specific events where you changed your behavior to meet your goal. If you use more than 25% of the pages explaining course concepts or what you think about these concepts, you will not earn many points. If you can show me that you made new behavioral choices in relation to these concepts, you will be fine. Some folks may only need 25 points to get the grade they want. In that case, do the same thing, but you only have to include one specific behavioral example and your paper should be about 1.5 typed double spaced pages. Please label which assignment you are doing, 25 point or 50 points. Write this paper in report format, with a cover page. On the cover page, you can include your name, my name, date, title of paper. Needs to be about 750 words, that is about 3 double spaced pages. In this report format, your thesis is your goal. Then perhaps bullet the various incidents that demonstrate how you applied that goal to behavior change in your life. Then write a conclusion.

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