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Please write an essay that answers each question. Your essay should have a thes

Please write an essay that answers each question. Your essay should have a thesis that answers the essay question. It should have an introduction and a conclusion. Use facts such as names of historical persons, dates, events, placenames, and motivations to prove your thesis. Your essay should be 500-700 words. All of the writing must be your own. No quotations are permitted. You may refer to your textbook or other course materials for information. Please do not go to any other web sites such as Wikipedia, LumenLearning, Khan Academy, or encyclopedias. You have three hours (180 minutes) to complete both questions. Here are the Course Objectives CO1: Students will be able to recall and classify factors that relate to issues of gender, race, religion, and economic status in US society from early settlement to 1877. CO2: Students will be able to define and describe the foundations of the United States’ political system and its effects on the development of the nation since 1783. CO3: Students will be able to identify and explain the gradual construction of the nation’s identity. CO4: Students will be able to discuss and explain connections between historical events as well as describe historical changes over time. CO5: Students will be able to interpret, explain, and organize historical material relating to the comparative experience of the groups and societies that formed the United States. CO6: Students will be able to assess and evaluate the historical role government has played in the development of the United States. CO7: Students will be able to draw conclusions about the role of the government in the US from historical examples and justify their conclusions using factual data and a developed argument. CO8: Students will be able to analyze primary historical sources, thus, demonstrating critical reading skills.

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