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Prepare Appetisers and Salad


sit40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery


Appetisers and Salads

SITHCCC006 Prepare Appetisers and Salad

Student first name: __________________________________________________________________________

Student last name: __________________________________________________________________________

  1. Australian Careers College Pty. Ltd

  2. Darwin City College

  3. 1/48 Woods St,

  4. Darwin, NT 0800

  5. Parap College

  6. 37 Gregory St, Parap, NT 0820

  7. Sydney College

  8. 586-590 Parramatta Road, Petersham, NSW 2049


Assessment overview. 4

Assessment plan. 5

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1. 7

Assessment Task 1: Written questions. 9

Part A – Food safety. 10

Part B – Preparing appertisers and salads. 15

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2. 19

Assessment Task 2: Food safety project 21

Assessment Task 3: Cooking observations. 25

Dish 1 – Mixed appetisers. 27

Dish 2 – Grilled salmon on a nicoise salad. 32

Dish 3 – Thai beef with noodle salad. 35

Dish 4 – Herb crusted chicken on a garden salad. 37

Dish 5 – Crispy fried whiting on warm fennel and orange salad. 39

Dish 6 – Warm fruit salad with orange zest zabaglione. 41

  1. Assessment overview

  2. This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of the Appetisers and Salads topic, which consist of the units:

  3. SITHCCC006 Prepare Appetisers and Salads

About your assessments

  1. This unit requires that you complete 2 assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks to achieve competency for the units in this topic.Assessment TaskAbout this taskAssessment Task 1: Written question

You must correctly answer all questions in Part A and Part B to show that you understand the knowledge required of each topic.Assessment Task 2: Food safety projectYou must demonstrate your ability to receive, transport and store food stock in line with food safety standards.Assessment Task 3: Cooking observationsYou must cook a range of appetisers and salads. You must follow correct food safety procedures and use appropriate cooking methods.

You will be observed by your assessor as you prepare each dish.

How to submit your assessments

  1. When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.

  2. Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

  3. Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

  1. At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task where you need to submit items for assessment, making sure you sign the student declaration.

  2. Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.

Assessment appeals

  1. You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

  2. Assessment plan

  3. The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this topic. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency for the units in this topic.

  4. Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.Assessment RequirementsDue date1.     Written questions 2.     Project 3.     Observations

  5. Agreement by the student Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?¨   Yes¨  NoHave you read and understood the RTO’s policies and procedures related to reassessment?¨   Yes¨  NoDo you understand the requirements of this assessment?¨   Yes¨  NoDo you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?¨   Yes¨  NoDo you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  If yes, what are they?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________¨   Yes¨  NoDo you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?¨   Yes¨  No

  1. Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

  2. Student signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

  3. Assessor name: ______________________________________________________________________________

  4. Assessor signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1

  1. Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.Name:Date of submission:Topic: Appetisers and Salads


§  SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices

§  SITHCCC001 Use food preparation equipment

§  SITHCCC006 Prepare appetisers and salads Assessor to completeAssessment TaskSatisfactory/ Not satisfactoryDateWas this a resubmission? Y/NWritten questions


  2. I ____________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

  3. None of this work has been completed by any other person.

  4. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

  5. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

  6. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

  7. Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

  8. Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________


  2. Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

  3. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

  4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  6. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  7. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  8. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  9. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  10. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  11. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  12. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  13. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  14. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  15. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  16. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  17. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  18. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  19. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  20. Assessor signature: ___________________________________________________________________________

  21. Assessor name: ______________________________________________________________________________

  22. Date: _______________________________________________________________________________________

  23. Assessment Task 1: Written questions

Task summary

  1. You are to answer all written questions in Part A and Part B of this task.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task

  1. Access to textbooks and other learning materials

  2. Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required)

  3. Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program).

When and where is this task to be completed?

  1. This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).

  2. Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What happens if I get something wrong?

  1. If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will make arrangements with you about resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.

Student instructions for task 1

  1. This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.

  2. You must answer all questions in this task correctly.

  3. You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program – your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy.

  4. If there are tables included in your task that you need to fill out, you may choose to recreate them in a word processing application. If you have been provided with an electronic version of this booklet, you may prefer to type your answers directly into the document.

Written answer question guidance

  1. The following written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or ‘explain’. These words will guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some questions will also tell you how many answers you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’.

  2. Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.

  3. Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.

  4. List – when a question asks you to ‘list’, this means you will need to briefly state information in a list format, often with a specific number of items indicated.

Part A – Food safety

Question 1

  1. Explain the purpose and contents of a food safety program/plan.

  2. Explain why it is important to have a food safety program.

  3. What five monitoring documents/checklists are included in a food safety program/plan?

  4. List four food safety procedures found within a food safety plan/program.

Question 2

  1. What document provides the basis for food safety requirements for Australian businesses?

Question 3

  1. List three possible consequences of failing to observe food safety requirements.

Question 4

What is the definition of ‘clean’ in terms of food safety?

Question 5

  1. What is the definition of ‘contaminant’ in the food standards?

  2. According to the Food Safety Standards, what are ‘potentially hazardous foods’?

Question 6

  1. Describe the role of local councils regarding food businesses and food safety.

Question 7

  1. At what temperature should frozen food be stored at?

  2. At what temperature should food cool rooms / refrigerators operate at?

  3. Describe the requirements of the ‘2/4 Rule’.

  4. What are the parameters of the ‘temperature danger zone’?

  5. Why is it important for food handlers to know about the temperature danger zone?

Question 8

  1. List the three types/classifications of food contamination.

  2. What are three conditions commonly required for development of microbiological contamination?

  3. List four food safety monitoring techniques applied in a commercial kitchen.

Question 9

  1. List three types of food that fall into the following kitchen supply categories:Frozen food Perishable food Semi-perishable food Non-perishable food

  2. Provide two safe handling practices that should be implemented when handling the following food types:Food type Safe handling practices Dairy Dried goods Eggs Frozen goods Fruit and vegetables Meat and fish

Question 10

  1. In the table below, list the Critical Control Points for food production systems. For each point, List three methods you could use to control food hazards at that critical control point.Critical Control PointControl method 1.


3. 1.


3. 1.


3. 1.


3. 1.


3. 1.


3. 1.



Question 11

  1. Describe the process for cold calibration of a food thermometer.

  2. How can you identify if a food thermometer is faulty?

  3. How should a food thermometer be cleaned?

  4. What is the minimum checking period for food thermometers and what is the degree of accuracy they must have?

Question 12

  1. Describe three ways that you could confirm the cleaning and sanitising requirements of kitchen equipment and surfaces.

Question 13

  1. List three actions that should be used to control pests in a kitchen environment.

Question 14

  1. List the five groups of people who are more likely to be at risk of food poisoning

Question 15

  1. Describe three ways to ensure that hot and cold foods kept on display are safely sold to customers.

Question 16

List the basic steps that should be followed when receiving a delivery of food stock for a commercial kitchen.

Question 17

  1. What are the four basic steps to cleaning?

  2. For each of the following cleaning agents, provide a description of what they are used for in a commercial kitchen.Cleaning agent Use Detergents Sanitisers Abrasive cleaners Disinfectants Bleach

  3. Describe four types of manual cleaning equipment used in a commercial kitchen.

  4. Name three types of electrical cleaning equipment used in a commercial kitchen.

Question 18

You are using a commercial food processor when you hear an unfamiliar rattling noise and notice a burning smell coming from the piece of equipment. You immediately stop using it and disconnect the power.

Complete the maintenance request form, describing what happened. Use today’s date and your training organisation’s location.MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM                                No: 2458 Date: Item: Reported by: Location: Problem: Assigned to: Date completed: Completed by: Comments:

Question 19

  1. Give an example of when you would be required to change or adjust the blades on a piece of equipment in a commercial kitchen.

  2. Give an example of a time when you would need to oil a piece of commercial kitchen equipment.

  3. How can you ensure that you are following safe operational practices when changing blades and oiling equipment?

Part B – Preparing appertisers and salads

Question 1

  1. Explain what a ‘banquette’ is and how it can be used.

  2. Explain what a ‘bouchee’ is and how it can be used.

  3. What is a canapé?

  4. What is ‘tapas’?

  5. What is an ‘amuse gueule’ and what is another term for it?

Question 2

  1. What is the name given to an emulsion of egg yolk, oil with vinegar commonly applied as a salad dressing?

  2. What is ‘French dressing’ made from and what is another name for it?

  3. List three common garnishes for appetisers and salads.

Question 3

  1. What are three key pieces of information that can be found on stock date codes?

  2. What are three items of information usually found on internal stock rotation labels?

  3. Why should a kitchen worker would check the contents of stock date codes and rotation labels?

  4. Describe what the acronym FIFO stands for and how it helps in controlling stock.

Question 4

  1. List five factors used to judge a salad once it is served.

Question 5

  1. List four quality indicators to look for once salads and appetisers are served.

Question 6

  1. List five examples of cookery methods that you may use when preparing of appetisers and salads.

Question 7

  1. What are the six main parts of a mise-en-place plan for a commercial kitchen?

Question 8

  1. How should salad ingredients be stored to ensure food safety and optimise their shelf life?

Question 9

  1. Provide a description of each of the precision vegetable cuts, including approximate measurement sizes.Julienne Brunoise Gros Brunoise Jardinière Macedoine Paysanne Mirepoix Parisienne Noisette Tourne

Question 10

  1. Name the appropriate knife to use when removing the bones from poultry, meat and fish.

  2. Name the appropriate knife to use when filleting fish.

  3. What is a palette knife generally used for?

  4. Name the appropriate knife to use when making precision cuts of fruit and vegetables.

  5. What is the name of a multipurpose knife that is designed to perform a range of kitchen tasks rather than specialise in one particular task?

  6. What is a utility knife used for in a commercial kitchen?

Question 11

  1. List five knife safety rules that should be followed in a commercial kitchen.

  2. Describe the correct way to wash knives in a commercial kitchen.

  3. Provide a basic description of how to sharpen a knife with a steel.

Question 12

  1. Convert the following oven temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit:

  2. 180°C

  3. 200°C

  4. 230°C

  5. Complete the following weight conversion table:Imperial (oz/lb)Metric (kg)3oz 11oz 400g 1kg3lb 1.8kg

Question 13

  1. Explain the difference between a classical salad and contemporary (modern) salad.

Question 14

  1. Describe the nutritional value of the foods listed below

  2. Tomatoes

  3. Olives

  4. Feta cheese

  5. Avocados

  6. Eggs

  7. Salmon Submission requirements for Task 1:

¨  Your answers to each question.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2

  1. Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.Name:Date of submission:Topic: Appetisers and Salads


§  SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices

§  SITHCCC001 Use food preparation equipment

Assessor to completeAssessment TaskSatisfactory/ Not satisfactoryDateWas this a resubmission? Y/NFood safety project


  2. I ____________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

  3. None of this work has been completed by any other person.

  4. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

  5. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

  6. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

  7. Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________

  8. Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________


  2. Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

  3. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

  4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  6. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  7. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  8. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  9. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  10. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  11. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  12. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  13. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  14. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  15. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  16. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  17. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  18. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  19. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

  20. Assessor signature: ___________________________________________________________________________

  21. Assessor name: ______________________________________________________________________________

  22. Date: _______________________________________________________________________________________

  23. Assessment Task 2: Food safety project

Task summary

  1. For this task, you are required to demonstrate your ability to receive, transport and store food, follow a food safety program and control food hazards at critical control points.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task

  1. Access to a simulated workplace environment.

  2. Commercial kitchen resources and equipment (RTO to ensure)

  3. Food safety program (RTO to ensure)

  4. Food safety procedures relating to receiving food deliveries (RTO to ensure)

  5. Refrigeration unit with shelving (RTO to ensure)

  6. Store room with shelving (RTO to ensure)

  7. Trolley or pallet trucks (RTO to ensure)

  8. Boxes (RTO to ensure)

  9. Food and kitchen supplies (RTO to ensure)

  10. Delivery checklist (assessor to provide)

  11. Order form (assessor to provide)

When and where should the task be completed?

  1. Workplace based students will complete this task in the workplace.

  2. Classroom based students will complete this task in their RTO’s training kitchen.

  3. Your assessor will provide you with the data and time of each observation.

Student instructions for Task 2

For this task, you are required to follow correct procedures to receive, transport and store food stock.

Your assessor will organise for you to receive a delivery of food.

  1. Review the commercial kitchen’s food safety program and procedures relating to receiving, transporting and storing stock.

  2. You will work in groups or pairs as advised by your assessor.

  3. Once you have received the delivery are required to do the following:

  4. Check the delivery of supplies matches the order

  5. Check the temperature of stock on delivery

  6. Assess the quality and freshness of the food delivered

  7. Check and maintain storage areas

  8. Transport stock safely

  9. Organised and rotated stock on a first-in, first-out basis

  10. Dispose of spoilt or damaged stock.

  11. Throughout the process, you are required to complete the delivery checklist provided.

  12. Report any issues that you come across and note down the action taken.

  13. Submit your delivery checklist to your assessor.

Your assessor will be observing you as you complete the above tasks. During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Access and follow procedures outlined in Food Safety Program

§  Check the temperature of food items on delivery

§  Cross reference the delivery docket against order form

§  Check the quality and freshness of the food delivered

§  Record any issues or non-conforming practices and discuss corrective action to be taken

§  Use appropriate manual handling techniques to transport the delivery

§  Check the cleanliness and suitability of storage areas and containers before re-stocking

§  Package and store foods in appropriate containers and portion sizes

§  Store and display perishable, non-perishable and single-use items appropriately to avoid contamination

§  Organise food according to FIFO method

§  Address all items on the delivery checklist

§  Complete the delivery checklist

  1. Submission requirements for Task 2:

¨  Completed delivery checklist.

Delivery ChecklistDelivery date:                                                                                                                                                    Received by: YesNoN/ACommentsIs the delivery vehicle clean and appropriately refrigerated? (if applicable) Is frozen food at a temperature at or below -18°C? Is perishable food at a temperature at or below 5°C? Is the food packaging free from damage and contamination? Are foods labelled with stock date codes? Does the delivery docket state the state, month and year of delivery? Does the delivery docket include the invoice number? Does the docket state the type and quantity of goods being delivered? Does the delivery docket state the total price for the delivered goods? Has everything on the delivery docket been delivered? Does the delivery docket include the name and contact details of the supplier? Does the delivery docket include the name and contact details of the purchaser? Does the meat and fish smell fresh? Is the poultry a good colour and free from bruising? YesNoN/ACommentsAre dairy products free from mould and free from a sour smell? Are all perishable and non-perishable foods well within ‘used by’ dates? Is fresh produce bright in colour? Is fresh produce free from signs of pest contamination? Are frozen foods solid to touch and not partially defrosted? Is the store room dry, well-lit, well ventilated at an appropriate humidity? Are store room shelves clean and free from pest infestation and damage? Is the refrigerator at a temperature of -5° C or below? Are the seals on the refrigerator free from damage? Are the shelves in the refrigerator free from damage? Is the refrigerator clean and tidy? Is the kitchen and store room floor clean, free from chips and cracks and free from dirt and mould? Are there appropriate containers available to potion and store food items? Further comments:

(List any issues or non-conforming practices and discuss the action to be taken)

Assessment Task 3: Cooking observations

Task summary

  1. For this task, you are required to prepare the following dishes:

  2. Appetisers, consisting of:

  3. Antipasto platter

  4. Prosciutto and melon canapés

  5. Bruschetta

  6. Pan fried scallop on cauliflower puree on rye with crispy prosciutto garnish

  7. Grilled salmon on a nicoise salad

  8. Thai beef with noodle salad

  9. Herb crusted chicken on a garden salad

  10. Crispy fried whiting on a warm fennel and orange salad

  11. Warm fruity salad with orange zest zabaglione.

  12. Each dish must be prepared for six customers.

You must cater for special dietary requirements.

Your assessor will observe you as prepare, cook, serve and clean.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task

  1. Access to a real or simulated workplace environment.

  2. Customers (real life customers or customers role played by other students)

  3. Industry realistic ratios of kitchen staff to customers

  4. Recipes (provided)

  5. Food ingredients (provided by assessor)

  6. Commercial Cookery Observation Booklet (if applicable)

  7. Commercial kitchen resources and equipment (assessor to ensure)

When and where will this task be completed?

  1. You will do this task in a real or simulated commercial kitchen.

  2. Your assessor will provide you with the date of the cooking demonstrations/observations.

What needs to be submitted?

  1. You must prepare, cook and present each the following dishes:

  2. Appetisers, consisting of:

  3. Antipasto platter

  4. Prosciutto and melon canapés

  5. Bruschetta

  6. Pan fried scallop on cauliflower puree on rye with crispy prosciutto garnish

  7. Grilled salmon on a nicoise salad

  8. Thai beef with noodle salad

  9. Herb crusted chicken on a garden salad

  10. Crispy fried whiting on a warm fennel and orange salad

  11. Warm fruity salad with orange zest zabaglione

  12. You are not required to submit anything else for this task. You will be observed and questioned throughout the assessment and all outcomes will be recorded in the Observation Booklet / Assessment Record Tool.

You may choose to keep recipes and take photos of the meals once they are plated and ready for serving. You may choose to add these to your portfolio, for the assessment task in unit SITHCCC020 Work effectively as a cook.

Student instructions for Task 3

For this task, you must prepare four appetisers and five salads

Read the instructions for each cooking demonstration task. You will be required to alter each dish to cater for any dietary requirements.

Your assessor will observe you as you prepare each dish. Your assessor will ask you some verbal questions during and at the end of some of the cooking demonstration/observations.

Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of each cooking demonstration/observation.

Dish 1 – Mixed appetisers

  1. For this task, you are required to cook a variety of appetisers as follows:

  2. Appetiser 1: Antipasto platter

  3. Appetiser 2: Prosciutto and melon canapés

  4. Appetiser 3: Classic bruschetta

  5. Appetiser 4: Pan fried scallop on cauliflower puree on rye with crispy prosciutto garnish

  6. Your assessor will provide you with the recipes.

  7. You will be required to prepare the appetisers for at least six customers (role played by other students). Adjust recipes to serve six.

  8. You will work in groups or pairs as advised by your assessor (industry specific staff/customer ratios will apply

  9. Confirm the dietary requirements of each of the customers prior to preparing the dish and adjust recipes as appropriate.

  10. Before you begin to cook, show your assessor how you sharpen knives using sharpening steels or stones.

  11. Tapas (scallops) and hors d óeuvres (bruschetta) should be made first and then use both of them with the canapé to make a canapé platter.

  12. Serve the appetisers on platters with individual-use serviettes and disposable plates.

  13. Access and use information from your food safety program and ensure that you follow correct food safety procedures at all times.Your assessor will be observing you as you set up, prepare, cook and present the appetisers. During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Read recipe and food preparation lists

§  Confirm and respond to customer’s dietary requirements

§  Communicate dietary requirements and substitutes with team members

§  Collect ingredients and check for spoilage

§  Select fresh ingredients to ensure optimum nutritional quality

§  Gather appropriate equipment and utensils (correct size and type)

§  Ensure cleanliness of equipment

§  Sort and assemble ingredients and equipment safety and according to sequence of food preparation

§  Follow kitchen WHS safety procedures

§  Calculate ingredient amounts to prepare the each of the appetisers for six customers

§  Correctly sharpen knives using sharpening steels or stones before use

§  Use suitable knives to make precision cuts

§  Correctly determine cooking times and temperatures

§  Prepare and cook each appetiser in a logical, planned and safe manner

§  Check food and make food quality adjustments where necessary

§  Use appropriate cooking methods and techniques

§  Monitor the temperature of food during preparation

§  Protect single use items for service from contamination

§  Plate appetisers in a suitable environment

§  Add garnish/dips/sauces and evaluate and adjust the presentation of the dishes before serving

§  Present appetisers that look appetising and visually appealing

§  Serve appropriate and even sized portions

§  Apply self-management skills to manage time and productivity

§  Prepare the appetisers within time constraints

§  Follow correct food safety procedures at all times

§  Correctly store leftover uncooked food items

§  Mark and separate food to be disposed of from other food until disposal is complete

§  Dispose of food promptly to avoid contamination

§  Thoroughly clean work area

§  Implement environmentally sustainable work practices

  1. Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions during and at the end of the cooking demonstration/observation. The questions will relate to the following topics:

  2. Purpose of safety programmes

  3. Consequences of failing to adhere food safety programs

  4. Reporting non-conforming food safety practices

  5. Potential food safety issues and corrective actions

Recipe: AntipastoServes: 2Ingredients:

10ml Vinaigrette (see recipe)

1/2 (50g) red capsicum

1/2 (50g) green pepper

1 slice (50g) eggplant

1 artichoke cut into 1/4

100g salami/prosciutto

5 black olives

5 stuffed olives

30g pickled vegetables

30g feta cheese

2 cos lettuce leaves

3 cherry tomatoes, halved Cooking instructions:

1.     Roast the red and green capsicum then remove the skin and seeds. Cut it into thick strips and soak it in the vinaigrette.

2.     Cut and grill eggplant and zucchini. Cut it into thick strips and soak it in the vinaigrette.

3.     Dice the feta cheese.

4.     Cut and marinate the artichokes in vinaigrette.

5.     Arrange the lettuce onto a platter large enough for two, or on two individual plates.

6.     Arrange the sliced meat, cheese, vegetables, olives, and lettuce on the plate as desired.

  1. Recipe: Vinaigrette  Serves: Makes 1 litreIngredients:

250ml white wine vinegar

750ml salad oil

Pepper and salt to seasonInstructions:

1.     Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

2.     Mix and stir again before using.

Recipe: Prosciutto and melon canapésServes: Makes 6 small canapésIngredients:

1 wedge of rockmelon (1/8)

1 1/2 slices of prosciutto cut in 1/4

6 toothpicksInstructions:

1.     De-seed the melon and then using a Parisienne cutter cut melon balls out.

2.     Then wrap the melon balls with prosciutto and then place a toothpick in each one.

3.     Place on a plate and serve up.

  1. Recipe: Classic BruschettaServes: 4Ingredients:

4 slice of sourdough bread

2 1/2 teaspoons of olive oil

1 garlic clove

2 large tomatoes

1 tablespoon of fresh basil leaves

Salt and cracked pepper to season

Pinch of caster sugar

1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegarCooking instructions:

1.     Boil water in a small pot.

2.     Core the tomato place a cross on the base of the tomato with a sharp knife.

3.     Blanch the tomatoes in the boiling water for about 30 seconds then remove and refresh in ice water.

4.     Peel tomatoes. Cut in half and de-seed the tomatoes.

5.     Cut the tomatoes into brunoise and place into a bowl and add olive oil, balsamic vinegar.

6.     Correct seasoning with pepper, salt and sugar.

7.     Brush sourdough with oil and grill until crispy brown and then turn and grill other side until golden brown as well.

8.     Cut garlic clove in half and rub on the sourdough toast.

9.     Place tomato mix on top of the sourdough bread and serve.

Recipe: Pan fried scallop on cauliflower puree on rye with crispy prosciutto garnishServes: 3Ingredients:

3 scallops

30g of cauliflower puree (see recipe below)

1 strip of prosciutto

1 slice of rye breadCooking instructions:

1.   Grill bread of until toasted then cut out 3 squares. Allow to cool.

2.   Place 3 quenelle of cauliflower puree one on each of the rye toast.

3.   Pan-fry the 3 scallops in a hot pan and season. Cook until med-rare.

4.   Place one scallop on each of rye bread on top of the puree cauliflower.

5.   Heat oven to 180degC. Place the prosciutto on greaseproof paper and in the oven and cook until crispy.

6.   Once the prosciutto is cold break into small pieces and garnish the scallops.

Recipe: Cauliflower puree Serves: 3Ingredients:

100g of cauliflower

50g of potato peeled

Salt and white pepper to season

5g of butterInstructions:

1.     Place potato into a pot of cold water and bring to the boil.

2.     Once the potato is nearly soft add the cauliflower and cook until soft.

3.     Drain the potato and cauliflower and then place in a bowl.

4.   Mash the cauliflower and potato mix until smooth then add butter and seasoning and mix.

Dish 2 – Grilled salmon on a nicoise salad

  1. For this task, you are required to cook grilled salmon on a nicoise salad.

  2. You may work in groups or pairs as advised by your assessor.

  3. Your assessor will provide you with the recipe.

  4. You will be required to prepare the dish for six customers (role played by other students). Adjust recipe to serve six.

  5. Confirm the dietary requirements of each of the customers prior to preparing the dish and adjust as appropriate.

  6. You must ensure that you follow correct food safety procedures at all times.

Your assessor will be observing you as you set up, prepare, cook and present the dish. During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Read recipe and food preparation lists

§  Confirm customer’s dietary requirements

§  Communicate dietary requirements and substitutes with team members

§  Collect ingredients and check for spoilage

§  Select ingredients to ensure optimum nutritional quality

§  Select ingredients according to stock rotation requirements

§  Gather appropriate equipment and ensure cleanliness of equipment

§  Safely assemble equipment

§  Follow kitchen safety procedures

§  Calculate ingredient amounts to prepare the dishes for six customers

§  Clean and cut salad ingredients using basic culinary cuts

§  Correctly determine cooking times and temperatures

§  Follow manufacturer instructions and use equipment safely and hygienically

§  Prepare and cook dishes in a logical, planned and safe manner

§  Use correct cooking methods- (boil potatoes, blanch beans and grill salmon)

§  Work cooperatively with team members

§  Check food and make food quality adjustments where necessary

§  Select and use appropriate service-ware to present the dishes

§  Plate dishes in a suitable environment

§  Monitor the temperature of food during using an appropriate temperature measuring device

§  Heat and cool food in line with food safety procedures

§  Garnish, evaluate and adjust the presentation of the dishes before serving

§  Present the dishes in an appetising and attractive manner

§  Serve appropriate and even sized portions

§  Apply self-management techniques to manage time and productivity

§  Follow correct food safety procedures at all times

§  Correctly store leftover uncooked food items

§  Minimise waste and implement environmentally sustainable work practices

§  Mark and separate food to be disposed of from other food until disposal

§  Dispose of food waste promptly

§  Thoroughly clean work area

  1. Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions during and at the end of the cooking demonstration/observation. The questions will relate to the following topics:

  2. Faulty equipment

  3. Waste minimisation

  4. Cost-reduction initiatives

Recipe: Grilled salmon on a nicoise saladServes: 5Ingredients:

5 portions of salmon (120g each)

15 small washed potatoes, chats

150g green beans, trimmed

5 tomatoes

1 clove of garlic, crushed in olive oil

Pepper and salt to season

80g black olives

30g capers

Boiled egg, peeled and quartered

5 leaves of butter lettuce, washed

25g parsley, chopped

50ml of dill mayonnaise Cooking instructions:

1.     Prepare the dill mayonnaise and refrigerate (recipe attached)

2.     Boil the potatoes in their skins in salted water, drain and allow to cool. Peel the potatoes and cut them in half.

3.     Trim, blanch, and refresh and drain the beans. Cut each peeled tomato into 8 wedges.

4.     Lay the washed lettuce on a platter, arrange a layer of potato, then beans, tomato wedges, 1/4 boiled egg.

5.     Garlic olive oil mix to dress the olives, capers.

6.     Grill off the salmon, then place on the top of the salad.

7.     Top with dill mayonnaise.

8.     Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

Recipe: Dill mayonnaise Serves: Makes 1 litreIngredients:

6 egg yolks

50ml white vinegar

15g French mustard paste

Pepper and salt to seasoning

1lt salad oil

30ml lemon juice

10g of chopped dill Cooking instructions:

1.     Mix the egg yolks, vinegar, mustard, pepper and salt thoroughly with a whisk.

2.     Gradually drizzle the oil into the vinegar mixture while whisking vigorously and continually. When the emulsion forms, you can add the oil slightly faster.

3.     When the mayonnaise becomes thick, thin out with a little of the lemon juice.

4.     Gradually beat in the remaining oil alternately with the lemon juice.

5.     Stabilize the mix by whisking in 20mls of cold water. Adjust seasoning.

Dish 3 – Thai beef with noodle salad

  1. For this task, you are required to cook Thai beef with noodle salad

  2. You may work in groups or pairs as advised by your assessor.

  3. Your assessor will provide you with the recipe.

  4. You will be required to prepare the dish for six customers (role played by other students). Adjust recipe to serve six.

  5. Confirm the dietary requirements of each of the customers prior to preparing the dish and adjust as appropriate.

  6. You must ensure that you follow correct food safety procedures at all times.

Your assessor will be observing you as you set up, prepare, cook and present the dish. During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Read recipe and food preparation lists

§  Confirm customer’s dietary requirements

§  Communicate dietary requirements and substitutes with team members

§  Collect ingredients and check for spoilage

§  Select ingredients to ensure optimum nutritional quality

§  Select ingredients according to stock rotation requirements

§  Gather appropriate equipment and ensure cleanliness of equipment

§  Safely assemble equipment

§  Follow kitchen safety procedures

§  Calculate ingredient amounts to prepare the dishes for six customers

§  Clean and cut salad ingredients using basic culinary cuts

§  Correctly determine cooking times and temperatures

§  Follow manufacturer instructions and use equipment safely and hygienically

§  Prepare and cook dishes in a logical, planned and safe manner

§  Use correct cooking methods (grill beef and soak noodles)

§  Work cooperatively with team members

§  Check food and make food quality adjustments where necessary

§  Select and use appropriate service-ware to present the dishes

§  Plate dishes in a suitable environment

§  Monitor the temperature of food during using an appropriate temperature measuring device

§  Heat and cool food in line with food safety procedures

§  Garnish, evaluate and adjust the presentation of the dishes before serving

§  Present the dishes in an appetising and attractive manner

§  Serve appropriate and even sized portions

§  Apply self-management techniques to manage time and productivity

§  Follow correct food safety procedures at all times

§  Correctly store leftover uncooked food items

§  Minimise waste and implement environmentally sustainable work practices

§  Mark and separate food to be disposed of from other food until disposal

§  Dispose of food waste promptly

§  Thoroughly clean work areaRecipe: Thai beef noodle salad Serves: 2Ingredients:

80g of cellophane noodles

20g of ripped coriander

1 red chilli finely sliced

1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger

10g of fresh mint ripped

2 teaspoon of fish sauce

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

10g of castor sugar

1 clove of garlic grated

300g of porterhouse steak cut into strips

3 spring onions stems finely slicedCooking instructions:

1.     Soak the noodles in a bowl of warm water until soft, then drain and put back in bowl.

2.     Add coriander, mint, sliced chilli, grated ginger, fish sauce, lemon juice, sugar, and spring onion.

3.     Grill meat with the garlic until cooked.

4.     Place garlic beef in the bowl with all other ingredients

5.     Combine all ingredients and serve

Dish 4 – Herb crusted chicken on a garden salad

  1. For this task, you are required to cook herb crusted chicken on a garden salad.

  2. You may work in groups or pairs as advised by your assessor.

  3. Your assessor will provide you with the recipe.

  4. You will be required to prepare the dish for six customers (role played by other students). Adjust recipe to serve six.

  5. Confirm the dietary requirements of each of the customers prior to preparing the dish and adjust as appropriate

  6. You must ensure that you follow correct food safety procedures at all times.

Your assessor will be observing you as you set up, prepare, cook and present the dish. During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Read recipe and food preparation lists

§  Confirm customer’s dietary requirements

§  Communicate dietary requirements and substitutes with team members

§  Collect ingredients and check for spoilage

§  Select ingredients to ensure optimum nutritional quality

§  Select ingredients according to stock rotation requirements

§  Gather appropriate equipment and ensure cleanliness of equipment

§  Safely assemble equipment

§  Follow kitchen safety procedures

§  Calculate ingredient amounts to prepare the dishes for six customers

§  Clean and cut salad ingredients using basic culinary cuts

§  Correctly determine cooking times and temperatures

§  Follow manufacturer instructions and use equipment safely and hygienically

§  Prepare and cook dishes in a logical, planned and safe manner

§  Use correct cooking methods (grill and roast chicken)

§  Work cooperatively with team members

§  Check food and make food quality adjustments where necessary

§  Select and use appropriate service-ware to present the dishes

§  Plate dishes in a suitable environment

§  Monitor the temperature of food during using an appropriate temperature measuring device

§  Heat and cool food in line with food safety procedures

§  Garnish, evaluate and adjust the presentation of the dishes before serving

§  Present the dishes in an appetising and attractive manner

§  Serve appropriate and even sized portions

§  Apply self-management techniques to manage time and productivity

§  Follow correct food safety procedures at all times

§  Correctly store leftover uncooked food items

§  Minimise waste and implement environmentally sustainable work practices

§  Mark and separate food to be disposed of from other food until disposal

§  Dispose of food waste promptly

§  Thoroughly clean work area

Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions during and at the end of the cooking demonstration/observation. The questions will relate to the following topics:

  1. Manufacturer’s instructions

  2. Key information and cleaning instructions for equipment and appliances.

Recipe: Herb crusted chicken on a garden saladServes: 1Ingredients:

1 x chicken breast skin on

10ml of olive oil

10g of basil chopped

10g of coriander

10g of chopped parsley

1 slice white bread

1 pinch of salt


80g of mixed salad greens

1/2 tomato cut into wedges

5g of grated carrot

5g of sliced red onion

5ml of vinaigrette (see separate recipe) Cooking instructions:

1.   Heat oven to 180degC.

2.   Grill chicken breast once sealed place on an oven tray.

3.   Place bread into a food processor and blend until it becomes crumbs.

4.   Put all herbs through a mouili until finely chopped.

5.   Put herbs and bread crumbs into in a bowl.  Add salt and oil and mix. Then place herb mix on top of the chicken breast.

6.   Place chicken in oven for 15-20 minutes until cooked through.

7.   Rest chicken.

8.   Mix all salad ingredients together and then dress with vinaigrette and place on a plate.

9.   Slice chicken breast and place on top of the salad.

Dish 5 – Crispy fried whiting on warm fennel and orange salad

  1. For this task, you are required to cook crispy fried whiting on warm fennel and orange salad.

  2. You may work in groups or pairs as advised by your assessor.

  3. Your assessor will provide you with the recipe.

  4. You will be required to prepare the dish for six customers (role played by other students). Adjust recipe to serve six.

  5. Confirm the dietary requirements of each of the customers prior to preparing the dish and adjust as appropriate

  6. You must ensure that you follow correct food safety procedures at all times.

Your assessor will be observing you as you set up, prepare, cook and present the dish. During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Read recipe and food preparation lists

§  Confirm customer’s dietary requirements

§  Communicate dietary requirements and substitutes with team members

§  Collect ingredients and check for spoilage

§  Select ingredients to ensure optimum nutritional quality

§  Select ingredients according to stock rotation requirements

§  Gather appropriate equipment and ensure cleanliness of equipment

§  Safely assemble equipment

§  Follow kitchen safety procedures

§  Calculate ingredient amounts to prepare the dishes for six customers

§  Clean and cut salad ingredients using basic culinary cuts

§  Correctly determine cooking times and temperatures

§  Follow manufacturer instructions and use equipment safely and hygienically

§  Prepare and cook dishes in a logical, planned and safe manner

§  Use correct cooking methods (steam the fennel and deep fry the whiting)

§  Work cooperatively with team members

§  Check food and make food quality adjustments where necessary

§  Select and use appropriate service-ware to present the dishes

§  Plate dishes in a suitable environment

§  Monitor the temperature of food during using an appropriate temperature measuring device

§  Heat and cool food in line with food safety procedures

§  Garnish, evaluate and adjust the presentation of the dishes before serving

§  Present the dishes in an appetising and attractive manner

§  Serve appropriate and even sized portions

§  Apply self-management techniques to manage time and productivity

§  Follow correct food safety procedures at all times

§  Correctly store leftover uncooked food items

§  Minimise waste and implement environmentally sustainable work practices

§  Mark and separate food to be disposed of from other food until disposal

§  Dispose of food waste promptly

§  Thoroughly clean work areaRecipe: Crispy fried whiting on a warm fennel and orange saladServes: 2Ingredients:1 whiting, thawed and filleted

Cornflour for dusting

Tempura batter (see attached recipe)

200g of fennel

20g of butter

10g of onion, sliced

100ml of water2 oranges segmented

1/2 red capsicum grilled

1/2 yellow capsicum grilled

1 zucchini cut into strips and grilled

5g of dill ripped up.

8 cherry tomatoes cut in halfCooking instructions:

1.     Prepare the fennel by using a mandolin slicer to cut the fennel. Wash well.

2.     Steam the fennel for 8-10 minutes Allow to cool.

3.     Cut the fennel in half lengthwise and then in large neat and even slices but keep all the pieces close together to retain the shape of the half bulbs.

4.     Sauté the onion in the butter then mix in fennel, onion with all the other vegetables and fruit and warm through.

5.     Dust whiting fillets with cornflour.

6.     Coat whiting in tempura batter and cook in deep fryer until crispy. Then remove from oil and drain off oil.

7.     Place warm fennel salad with orange on plates and then place whiting fillets on top and serve.

Recipe: Tempura batter Serves: Makes 1 litreIngredients:

100g corn flour

200g flour

3 eggs

600ml iced water

Salt to seasonCooking instructions:

1.     Sift the flour and corn flour together twice.

2.     Beat the egg with the iced water and salt in a planetary mixer.

3.     Add the flour and mix until the large lumps disappear.

4.     Use as required.


Tempura is very light and crisp Japanese batter suitable for seafood and vegetables. Dust food in cornflour prior to battering.

To make this batter gluten free, use gluten free corn flour and gluten free plain flour.

Dish 6 – Warm fruit salad with orange zest zabaglione

  1. For this task, you are required to cook warm fruit salad with orange zest zabaglione.

  2. You may work in groups or pairs as advised by your assessor.

  3. Your assessor will provide you with the recipe.

  4. You will be required to prepare the dish for six customers (role played by other students). Adjust recipe to serve six.

  5. Confirm the dietary requirements of each of the customers prior to preparing the dish and adjust as appropriate

  6. You must ensure that you follow correct food safety procedures at all times.

Your assessor will be observing you as you set up, prepare, cook and present the dish. During the observation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Read recipe and food preparation lists

§  Confirm customer’s dietary requirements

§  Communicate dietary requirements and substitutes with team members

§  Collect ingredients and check for spoilage

§  Select ingredients to ensure optimum nutritional quality

§  Select ingredients according to stock rotation requirements

§  Gather appropriate equipment and ensure cleanliness of equipment

§  Safely assemble equipment

§  Follow kitchen safety procedures

§  Calculate ingredient amounts to prepare the dishes for six customers

§  Clean and cut salad ingredients using basic culinary cuts

§  Correctly determine cooking times and temperatures

§  Follow manufacturer instructions and use equipment safely and hygienically

§  Prepare and cook dishes in a logical, planned and safe manner

§  Use correct cooking methods (poaching/caramelising)

§  Work cooperatively with team members

§  Check food and make food quality adjustments where necessary

§  Select and use appropriate service-ware to present the dishes

§  Plate dishes in a suitable environment

§  Monitor the temperature of food during using an appropriate temperature measuring device

§  Heat and cool food in line with food safety procedures

§  Garnish, evaluate and adjust the presentation of the dishes before serving

§  Present the dishes in an appetising and attractive manner

§  Serve appropriate and even sized portions

§  Apply self-management to manage time and productivity

§  Follow correct food safety procedures at all times

§  Correctly store leftover uncooked food items

§  Minimise waste and implement environmentally sustainable work practices

§  Mark and separate food to be disposed of from other food until disposal

§  Dispose of food waste promptly

§  Thoroughly clean work area

Your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions during and at the end of the cooking demonstration/observation. The questions will relate to the following topics:

  1. Cleaning procedure for a planetary mixer

  2. Reporting cracked, broken or chipped eating, drinking and food handling utensils.

Recipe: Warm fruit salad with orange zest zabaglioneServes: 2Ingredients:

1 orange, segmented

1 peach, cut in half and thinly sliced

1 pear, cut in half and thinly sliced

1/2 mango, skinned and thinly slice

5 strawberries, cut in half

2 egg yolks

1/2 teaspoon of orange zest

100ml cup of Marsala

30g caster sugar

10ml of fresh orange juiceCooking instructions:

1.     Poach the apples and pears in boiling water for 20 minutes.

2.     Peel and core apples and pears once cooled.

3.     For the orange zest zabaglione, place a large pan half filled with water on to the boil.

4.     When boiling remove from the heat.

5.     Beat the egg yolks, sugar and orange zest in a metal or heatproof bowl, using a whisk until pale yellow. Set the bowl over the pan of steaming water, making sure the bowl does not touch the water, and beat continuously, adding the Marsala and orange juice gradually. Beat for 5 mins, or until very thick and foamy and like a mousse (sabayon).

6.     Slice poached apples and pears in half and place on two plates with the sliced mango.

7.     Pour orange zested zabaglione sauce over the two plates evenly.

8.     Place the plates under a salamander and lightly golden brown the sauce (30 seconds).


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