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reply to 2 threads For this discussion, you must connect what you have learned a

reply to 2 threads For this discussion, you must connect what you have learned about grammar to a close reading of scripture [so that close reading becomes a lifelong discipline]. For this discussion, you are going to spend time in Romans 8. This thread has three parts: Part 1: You must identify at least 50 observations about this passage of scripture, paying particular attention to how words are used, how grammar connects the words, and then brings clarity to the ideas that the Apostle Paul is writing about. At first glance this might appear like a difficult task, but as you get into the passage, I think you will find that 50 is limiting for what observations could be brought out from this passage. Part 2: You must answer one of the following questions: How does Paul’s word choice impact what he is saying in this passage? How does Paul’s grammatical construction impact the meaning of what he is saying in this passage? Part 3: Answer the question: “What did you learn from this practice?” Here, you can focus on content you learned, or you can reflect on what you learned from the practice of grammatically close reading. Please review the Discussion Assignment Instructions

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