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Respond to the two classmates that answered the question below with at least one

Respond to the two classmates that answered the question below with at least one source each There are two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo harassment and hostile work environment harassment. Which type of harassment do you believe is more difficult to stop in the workplace? What training do you believe would be effective in reducing the instances of either one of these types of harassment in the workplace? Classmate Post # 1 Which type of harassment do you believe is more difficult to stop in the workplace? Quid pro quo harassment is usually based on one individual’s power over another. It is often seen in a supervisor-subordinate relationship. It is a “this for that” dynamic, which could be a supervisor rewarding or punishing an employee for going along with or rejecting sexual advances.This is a pretty tangible form of harassment, making it easy to identify. Hostile work environment harassment is more of a continuous buildup or culture created, less direct than quid pro quo (Lussier & Hendon, 2022). Of the two types of sexual harassment, quid pro quo and hostile work environment, I believe hostile work environment harassment would be more difficult to stop in the work environment. “Hostile work environment cases are often difficult to recognize, because the particular facts of each situation determine whether offensive conduct has crossed the line from “ordinary tribulations of the workplace, such as the sporadic use of abusive language… and occasional teasing,” to unlawful harassment” (What do I need to know about… workplace harassment 2012). What training do you believe would be effective in reducing the instances of either one of these types of harassment in the workplace? I believe a zero-tolerance policy would be effective in reducing instances of harassment. This policy must be enforced in order for it to be effective. Consistent training on harassment can also serve as preventative as the constant discussion of it may deter some from doing it, but will also empower others to speak up about it. References: Lussier, Robert N., and John R. Hendon. “1.1 Section 20.” Human Resource Management Functions, Applications, and Skill Development, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2022. What do I need to know about… workplace harassment. United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). Retrieved September 4, 2022, from Classmate Post # 2 Sexual harassment is a topic in which employees need to be educated through HR training to prevent these unfortunate occurrences. Quid Pro Quo Harassment is described in the book as “this for that”. This kind of harassment takes place when an authority figure requests sexual favors for the benefit of the subordinate. In the case of a Hostile work environment harassment, this occurs when someone’s behavior at work creates an environment that is sexual and makes it difficult for another person to work in that environment (Lussier & Hendon, 2022). I believe that It’s more difficult to stop hostile work environment harassment. There are organizations where this kind of harassment goes without any type of punishment. I have worked in organizations where there has been no sexual harassment training and as a result employees say inappropriate sexual remarks, jokes, etc. that are offensive to some, but not to others. This type of harassment can be difficult to prove as it is more complicated to determine if the offender’s behavior is affecting the other employee’s ability to work effectively due to the unwarranted behavior. To reduce this kind of behavior, there must be constant training and seminars by the HR department. Warning employees that this kind of behavior is not acceptable in a working environment. Also, there must be a safe way for the person being harassed to report this behavior without any repercussions. In the organization I currently work for, this kind of behavior is not permitted. The HR department is constantly sending email training material and reminders that this kind of behavior is not tolerable. Reference: Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2022). Human Resource Management. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publication Inc. .


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