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Review a Microbiology-related article that is found on a reputable internet site. Page One – Body of

Review a Microbiology-related article that is found on a reputable internet site.

Page One – Body of summary ​Summary (in the student’s OWN words) of the article (9 points) -summary portion must be at least one FULL page, single-spaced (1.0 spacing, no title, no heading); -1” margins; LEFT justified (not Center) -Times New Roman and 12 font; -use proper paragraph organization (indentation, but no spaces between paragraphs), proper grammar and spelling; -summary must be included in order for any points to be earned.

2. Page Two – ​A. Critique/analysis of the article by the student: Why did you choose this topic ​AND what did you think of the article? (two short paragraphs max) (2 points)

​B. APA Citation (4 points) – make sure the web address is a hyperlink that I can ​click on to access the website.

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