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SEES513: Use the extracted Chl a data from the laboratory to calibrate the fluorometer on the CTD an

Your report should focus on ONE of the questions below:

1. Distribution of phytoplankton biomass in Southampton Water:

Use the extracted Chl a data from the laboratory to calibrate the fluorometer on the CTD and plot the vertical distribution of Chl biomass at stations along your chosen transect. Make sure you calibrate the data using the up-cast data and apply calibration to the down-cast data. Include Ocean Data View plots and selected vertical plots of phytoplankton/Chl a distribution. You can also include other data that were collected such as nutrients, SPM (turbidity), and PAR.

2. Water column structure of Southampton Water:

Plot the temperature, salinity, density, and turbidity data along your chosen transect to try to identify different water masses and mixing characteristics. Make sure you include Ocean Data View plots and selected vertical plots of key physical variables.

3. Distribution of nutrients in Southampton Water:

Use the nutrient data collected to describe and explain the distribution of nutrients along the transect and with depth. You may want to look at the water column structure data to see whether there is evidence of freshwater input into the estuary, which may have influenced the nutrient concentrations. Make sure you include vertical plots of nutrient distribution and nutrient/salinity plots. You may also want to include ODV plots of the CTD data and other data that were collected such as SPM (turbidity).

Marking Criteria


A 250-word maximum summary of the report. This is a summary and not an extended introduction/method. Needs to include major findings and data – include values.


A brief (~ two paragraph) overview of the aims of the study which outlines what your report is going to focus on, and some background information about the study area referenced appropriately.


A brief (~ two paragraphs) overview of the methods with a focus on the sampling stations. You must include a map of the sampling stations and you MUST re-number the sites to be in distance order from the top of the river – this will be explained in the data workshop. Stations were not sampled in sequence. You must produce a map with re-numbered stations! You do not need to give detailed methods of what was undertaken on the boat – a very brief overview is needed. However, you should include details of the laboratory methodology and cite literature sources for the (analytical) methods. The skill here is to be as succinct with your methodology as possible. Describe any statistical analyses you have conducted.


Should present the main results of your study in the text and contain figures and/or tables showing those results. All the data are available on Moodle. Ensure that you quantify your findings (i.e. use numbers – do not use terms such as ‘higher’ or ‘less’, without quantifying how much higher or how much less). The results section should be a presentation of the results and any statistical analysis only. Do not provide any interpretation of the results here – save that for the discussion section. All figures and tables should be numbered and have legends (legends are placed below figures and above tables). Refer to each figure table in the text. Where appropriate please include error bars on graphs if you have calculated means and standard deviations.


Use this section to interpret and explain your data, and to discuss the findings of your study in a broader context. You should discuss the main findings presented in each of the figures and tables (as a rule of thumb, if a figure or table is not discussed in the Discussion, it should not be included in the report).This section should contain references to published work, primarily journal articles (textbooks are OK but do not rely solely on them and websites (Wikipedia, etc. should not be used). Use this section to compare your data with previously published data from Southampton Water, UK estuaries/coastal systems, or Europe/rest of the world.

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