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Should contain a clear description of the background to the investigation and an account of relevant

Research Project Topic: Critical Evaluation of Renewable Energy

NOTE: The thesis must have all the relevant information about Current vs Developing Technologies, Policy Documents, Household Microgeneration, Solar Energy in Ireland etc

Introduction/Literature Survey: This should contain a clear description of the background to the investigation and an account of relevant literature. A clear statement of the major aims of the investigation should be included. The literature review should be structured sequentially and consistently. An example of heading format is included below.

Materials and Methods: A clear and concise description of the experimental methods used in the investigation. Sufficient detail should be provided to enable the experiments to be reproduced. Data figures should not be included in this section.

Results: Ideally, the “Results’ and ‘Discussion” should not be combined into a single section; however, this is project dependent. Consult your project supervisor for clarification on the optimum structure. The results section of any report should contain a clear and well-structured description of the findings from the investigation. It should provide an appropriate narrative that enables the reader to understand the experimental rationale used and the major conclusions reached during the investigation. This section may include descriptions of problem-solving and troubleshooting undertaken during the investigation.

Well-prepared and consistently presented tables and figures are key features of the “Results” section and are used to convey the major observations of the investigation. Tables and figures should be provided with numbers, titles, and legends. Legends should provide enough information to allow the reader to understand the nature of the presented data.

Discussion: The ‘Discussion’ must not simply recapitulate the results. Instead, it provides an opportunity to address the broader meaning of the results and should address the following questions

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