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Should the government regulate the use of sugar substitutes?

4page essay Think carefully about the following dilemmas in the Health Sciences/Sciences; I’ve tried to include a range of specialties and types of topics, including ones that analyze specific laws or policies, dentistry, physical therapy, pediatrics, pharmacology (and several others!), plus some health-sciences-related technology, and legal/business-related health sciences topics. You should begin by spending some time thinking, brainstorming, and doing some preliminary research into the topics that seem potentially interesting to you before picking one to work for your first assignment. A Writing will: Undertake a sophisticated exploration of the issues set forth in the assignment. The author is able to negotiate the complexities of the issues raised in a provocative, controlled manner. The author fully responds to the writing task, demonstrating a mature knowledge about the subject and a judicious sense of audience. Present a decidedly cogent and insightful argument and analysis. The writer responds to the assigned topic in a consistently forceful manner that is not only thoughtful but also thought-provoking and well-articulated. Provide compelling support for the overall argument and analysis. The author includes a strong balance of extremely well-chosen materials to emphatically support what he or she is trying to do. The writer displays both facility and confidence in the use of primary and secondary materials, and employs them to further his or her own authority and point of view, citing them fully and in appropriate fashion. Develop its argument or analysis with organizational clarity and logical force. The author directs the writer-reader transaction masterfully and convincingly. Employ a style that elevates the paper’s effectiveness and furthers its purposes in terms of its intended context. Display professional maturity in syntax. Surface errors are virtually non-existent; the reader is left free simply to enjoy the author’s style and tone as well as the intellectual force of the writing. Exhibit a distinct appreciation of the academic, professional, and public issues that attend to composition within disciplines, majors, and career fields.


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