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Students will expose themselves to a business computing environment.

Students will expose themselves to a business computing environment.

Students will expose themselves to a business computing environment. In this process, students will learn how to think about security challenges, and how to apply research methods into investigating the issues.

Describe the approach you will take to solving this problem. The chosen case is about Data Breach (Data Exfiltration Detection by outsiders of an organization)

Include your Cybersecurity Plan.

Include Purpose (Why Cybersecurity is important for this organization?)

Include Plan Framework

Additionally, this should describe the types of services that will/can be used to address the challenges of your organization. The challenges are that such exfiltration by outsiders indicates that someone from outside an organization has stolen valuable company data resulting in attackers exfiltrating customers’ data, including credit card numbers, names, and addresses. What cybersecurity service can prevent these data exfiltration attacks? References APA style

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