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Submit a question, an example of how information from the reading can be applie

Submit a question, an example of how information from the reading can be applied (in most any capacity that reflects your understanding and thoughtful engagement with the material), and a discussion subject (a point that could prompt or propel discussion in a meaningful way) derived from the assigned reading(s). Your QuADs will be due 2 hours prior to the onset of class each day (3pm; so I have time to read them before our class) that we discuss readings. You will type these directly into a text box under the corresponding QuADs assignment in Canvas. Please use headings to indicate your Question, Application, and Discussion Subject. These assignments are not for “gimme” points—I expect that you demonstrate comprehension, contemplation, and synthesis. 1. If you could have looked up the answer to your question, then it is not a sufficient and you need to dig deeper and think more critically. 2. You should explain why you selected your question, application, and discussion subject. If you want to pose a discussion subject that comes from your general wondering about a topic then provide context to why that is worth talking about and make sure you do your due diligence prior to offering your DS–if this has been addressed in the literature or some other valid source then you need to pose a different DS or explain why yours is still worth considering. 3. You can be brief/concise but you must also be complete. Please use complete sentences. 4. You can include questions or discussion subjects about phenomena or concepts that are challenging for you but you need to explain what efforts you made to try and understand and why you are still confused or unclear. 5. You will need to look beyond the readings in many cases–consider sources, the greater context of the literature/scientific knowledge, your skills and knowledge from outside of the course.


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