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Task 2: Reflective practiceChoose one of the four real world ethical dilemmas in an early childhood centre (located under the link “Real world scenarios for deferred students only – Assessment 2”.

Task Description: This Portfolio is comprised of two tasks. You must submit your assessment as one document.

Task 1 : Anecdotal record and learning experience

Anecdotal record

View the video of pre-schoolers provided under the link -Video for deferred students Assessment 2- and complete a detailed anecdotal record of the children’s learning (use the template provided). Learning experience plan

Based on the anecdotal record, write a plan on the planning template of a learning experience to follow up on and enhance the pre-school children's learning and development.

Task 2: Reflective practice

Choose one of the four real world ethical dilemmas in an early childhood centre (located under the link “Real world scenarios for deferred students only – Assessment 2”.

Document a response to the scenario. Critically reflect on the issues raised in the scenario and justify your response by considering the multiple perspectives in decision-making, making direct links to the unit’s readings, the EYLF and the NQS.

Referencing APA 7th referencing format is required in Faculty of Education assessment tasks – link to SCU Libguide here: APA 7 Referencing

Support Resources Academic Integrity – SCU guidelines

Academic Integrity Module - mandatory module for first year students

Learning Zone – workshops, Quick Guides, student appointments

Submission The due date for this assessment is Monday, 10th June 2023 by 11:59pm

Submission of your assessment is via TURNITIN. The submission link can be found in the Assessment Tasks and Submission Tab in the TCHR5010 Blackboard site.

Please note:

• It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you have submitted the correct file and the FINAL version of your assessment for marking BEFORE the due date/time.

• After you have followed the TurnItin submission you must download the digital receipt.

• If you have any difficulty submitting your assignment, please contact

Technology Services and make sure that you log a job with them so you have evidence of your attempted submission. To avoid any last-minute problems, make sure you submit well before 11:00pm on the due date.


Submission/Extension If you need to apply for special consideration you may do so HERE

According to SCU Policy, late penalties apply. More information found HERE

Academic Integrity

At Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility and respect in relation to academic work.

The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework

Assessment 2: Portfolio MARKING RUBRIC

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail

Task 1: Anecdotal record and learning experience (45%)

Articulation of the planning cycle. Anecdotal record shows evidence of understanding children’s learning and development with links to theory, the EYLF and NQS. Demonstrates planning for Preschoolers’ learning and development, interests and competencies with links to the EYLF, NQS and theory. Demonstrated excellent articulation of the planning cycle including: Excellent anecdotal record of Preschool child that shows evidence of understanding Preschoolers’ learning and development with links to theory, the EYLF and NQS.

Excellent learning experience plan that extends on the Preschool child’s interests and

competencies with links to the

EYLF, NQS and theory

Demonstrated very good articulation of the planning cycle including:

Insightful anecdotal record of Preschool child that shows evidence of understanding Preschoolers’ learning and development with links to theory, the EYLF and NQS. Insightful learning experience plan that extends on the Preschool child’s interests and competencies with links to the EYLF, NQS and theory

Demonstrated good articulation of the planning cycle including:

Good anecdotal record of Preschool child that shows evidence of understanding Preschoolers’ learning and development with links to theory, the EYLF and NQS. Good learning experience plan that extends on the Preschool child’s interests and

competencies with links to the

EYLF, NQS and theory

Demonstrated satisfactory articulation of the planning cycle including:

Satisfactory anecdotal record of Preschool child that shows evidence of understanding Preschoolers’ learning and development with links to theory, the EYLF and NQS. Satisfactory learning experience plan that extends on the Preschool child’s interests and competencies with links to the EYLF, NQS and theory

Does not show evidence of understanding the planning cycle. Unsatisfactory anecdotal record of Preschool child that shows evidence of understanding Preschoolers’ learning and development with links to theory, the EYLF and NQS. Unsatisfactory learning experience plan that extends on the Preschool child’s interests and competencies with links to

the EYLF, NQS and theory

Task 2: Reflective practice (45%) Reflection and response to one ethical dilemma encountered in an early childhood centre with consideration to:

-All involved stakeholders’ perspectives

-The unit’s readings, the EYLF and the NQS, and scholarly sources. Demonstrated outstanding reflective practice with consideration to:

-All involved stakeholders’ perspectives

- The unit’s readings, the EYLF and the NQS, and scholarly sources. Demonstrated insightful reflective practice with consideration to:

-All involved stakeholders’ perspectives

- The unit’s readings, the EYLF and the NQS, and scholarly sources. Demonstrated solid reflective practice with consideration to: -All involved stakeholders’ perspectives

- The unit’s readings, the EYLF and the NQS, and scholarly sources. Demonstrated satisfactory reflective practice with consideration to:

-All involved stakeholders’ perspectives

- The unit’s readings, the EYLF and the NQS, and scholarly sources. Demonstrated poor reflective

practice with limited consideration to:

-All involved stakeholders’ perspectives

- The unit’s readings, the EYLF and the NQS, and scholarly sources.

Academic literacy (10%)

Displayed outstanding Academic Literacy, including all of the following:

Correct word count (+/- 10%), correct writing conventions, correctly formatted reference list Displayed comprehensive

Academic Literacy, including all or most of the following:

Correct word count (+/- 10%), correct writing conventions, correctly formatted reference list Displayed solid Academic Literacy, including some or most of the following:

Correct word count (+/- 10%), correct writing conventions, correctly formatted reference list Displayed satisfactory Academic Literacy, including some of the following:

Correct word count (+/- 10%), correct writing conventions, correctly format


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