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Task descriptionIn this assessment, you will develop a management report recommending ERP systems for the decision makers in AO to consider. You will study and determine the necessary coverage.

Task description

In this assessment, you will develop a management report recommending ERP systems for the decision makers in AO to consider. You will study and determine the necessary coverage. The following areas are expected to be included. You may show the initiative of making reasonable assumptions and incorporating other relevant topics as well.

  • General introduction on ERP Systems with current examples from the industry. For example, an overview of ERP systems, their roles in organizations, their components and typical Modules of ERP systems, and their benefits to organizations

  • Issues that may arise due to incomplete elicitation of requirements and misalignment between the business processes and organizational strategy

  • General discussion on Business Process Re-engineering, including its steps, possible gains, and risks

  • Discussion on current business processes and proposed changes to the business processes of the case organization, AO, with illustrations of the business processes

  • General considerations on Change management and Organisational Project Management Maturity

  • Apply to the case context of AO, discuss the general benefits, limitations, costs, and risks of implementing ERP systems, supported by an abridged feasibility analysis for AO.

Working on this assignment, you should study the relevant unit materials as a start. There are many areas that require further research and studies on quality academic and industry sources. You need to develop an outline of your report with appropriate topics and sub-topics to discuss and to build up arguments throughout the report. ERP implementation requires organisation-wide commitment, which may bring changes to current organisation structure. For example, when you persuade AO that ERP is required and recommend to proceed to the next stage by selecting an ERP system, your argument should link up discussion in various sub-topics including the following:

  • The reason and benefits for organizational change

  • Alignment of new business processes and ERP systems with the organization's goals

  • Benefits, limitations, costs, risks, and implementation feasibility of ERP system, in the context of this organization

  • The importance of organizational commitment

Remember that there are no fixed answers to the tasks in this assignment. Successful arguments can be made for different options. Your task is to present a concise, informative, and persuasive piece of writing in report form. From your research and discussions in the report, you are expected to provide convincing support for your arguments and conclusions. 

The readers of this report include both business decision makers and technical advisers. You can assume your readers are intelligent people who understand business arguments if sufficient information is provided, even though they do not have a technical background. You will be assessed on your ability to present your research and understanding of various topics and your achievement to inform and persuade the readers, so it is essential that you develop arguments, with sound considerations and support. You should use academic literature and industry sources to inform and support your report. There is no maximum number on the number of references. As an indication of the expectation in achieving at pass level, a minimum of ten quality sources are required, at least five of which must be from academic sources (peer-reviewed journal articles, conferences, or edited book chapter papers).


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