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The following books are being reviewed: Life and Death in The Third Reich by Pet

The following books are being reviewed: Life and Death in The Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche and Hitler’s Furies by Wendy Lower. Both authors attempt to explain the appeal of Nazism to the Germans. Their respective focus is both distinct and overlapping. Fritzsche deals with Germans of both genders throughout the course of the dictatorship. Wendy Lower focuses on young women who helped colonize the eastern territories during the Second World War. Each book grapples with the appeal of the Nazi dictatorship, how it was understood and (often) supported by those who lived with it, and how it was rationalized and explained as it came to its disastrous end. This essay involves a review of these two books. You must answer the following questions: 1. How does each author interpret the Nazi Third Reich and it’s appeal? 2. What conclusions can we draw about the Nazi dictatorship and the German people from the two books? Please base the paper on the evidence and arguments presented by the two authors. The paper should be double spaced approximately 10pgs long.Use parenthetical citation, for example(Lower,p.95.) It will be graded on the clarity of presentation, your grasp of the historians’ respective arguments and your use of evidence from the two books to illustrate your points. Be careful not to plagiarize. Thank you

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