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The observation was done on Child “A” who is a boy aged about 27 months Child “A” was outside in the


The observation was done on Child “A” who is a boy aged about 27 months.

Child “A” was outside in the garden with his soft-toy “Monkey” in his hand. Child “A” was showing his monkey soft-toy to Child “B” and Child “C” while using the words “Daddy bought”.

Child “A” then moved further to grab a toy car, which was in the garden area already. Child “A” put his toy monkey on that car and started moving forward and backward. He moved the car 8 to 10 times.

Later Child “A” saw some pencils on the floor which was dropped by Child “B” during his drawing activity.

Child “A” and Child “B” started picking those pencils from the floor. Child “B” put the pencils into the pencil holder where as Child “A” put some pencil on his toy car. Child “A” put 6 to 8 pencils on his toy car and started moving forward and backward again. Soon after Child “A” took one pencil and started scribbling on the drawing paper and he used his right hand to scribble. Child “A” was holding pencil between four fingers and thumb. He also started scribbling on the table. Then one of the teachers asked him to draw on the paper and not on the table. Child “A” listen to his teacher and started scribbling on his paper. He looked at the teacher and he said “I am drawing”.

Child “A” left the garden area and went inside the classroom. He chooses to stay at the toy area where there were more 7 children’s present. Child “A” saw a doll with Child “B” and using words “Please give me” he got that doll from Child “B”. Child “A” hold the doll in his right hand and with left hand started

combing dolls hair with a comb. After combing for a while child “A” used word “Doll good”.

Child “A” again found 2 cars in the toy section. He started playing with them, putting them one behind each other and slightly moving one car and then the next car. Child “A” parked those car Infront of a toy house and smiled at one teacher standing near to him.

Child “A” went around in the classroom holding his jumper strap looking up and down. Child “A” then found his sister at “Understanding the World” section. Child “A” used words “Sister I am back”. Teacher was showing some children places around the World. Child “A” sat down and was listening to teacher. Child “C” was playing with some of musical instrument by which Child “A” got disturbed and said “Stop and No More” to Child “C”. Later teacher asked children to tidy up the area Child “A” started collecting some pictures from the table and putting them into the related folders. Then Child “A” found a musical instrument and started making some music by playing it. Child “A” bubbles some words and stared dancing.

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