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The paper will be 3-4 pages and will cover some topic on Hamlet by William Shake

The paper will be 3-4 pages and will cover some topic on Hamlet by William Shakespeare that interests you. The paper topic is your choice, as long as it argues a point about Hamlet, and doesn’t simply summarize the story or evaluate what you liked or disliked. Evaluation Criteria Argument: • The paper explains/interprets some part of Hamlet • The paper offers a clear thesis (the idea that the writer wants the reader to believe)• The argument goes beyond like/dislike Evidence: • The paper uses evidence quoted directly from the book • The paper uses evidence from at least one scholarly journal article • All evidence is cited according to MLA style (see below) • The evidence used connects to the thesis of the paper • The evidence is explained/interpreted so that the reader knows what to make of it Organization: • The essay is cohesive and coherent using both the evidence and argument (in other words, the ideas fit together and make sense) • There is a well-constructed introduction, body, and conclusion • The essay has transitional phrases (see the Transitions handout) and paragraphs • The paragraphs remain focused on a sub-topic • The essay has an appropriate and interesting title Grammar and Usage: • The choice of language is professional and formal (avoid “well,” “um,” etc) • Active verbs are used (see the Active Verbs handout) • The essay adheres to the conventions of standard written English • The essay is mostly free of run-on sentences, fragment sentences, spelling, and proofreading errors MLA: • The essay follows MLA format. It is typed, double-spaced, uses Times New Roman 12- point font, has one-inch margins and a correct title and headings • All sources used have a correct in-text citation • There is a proper Works Cited page The response paper must have at least 3 pages (get something on the fourth page) plus a Works Cited page.

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