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Thesis:Losing hope and meaning in modern world 1.Introduction In this essay I wi

Thesis:Losing hope and meaning in modern world 1.Introduction In this essay I will prove to you that for Gatsby,Willy and Blanche losing hope and meaning in the modern world is a perfect suit for a theme and how this theme works for all 3 of the books that this characters appear in.All of those characters were hoping that gaining a happy family will provide them with meaning in life,which it didn’t.They were chasing it and failed losing hope and meaning,which ultimately lead to tragic ending for each of them.All of these books were written and were happening during modernist period of time.During that time a lot of changes happend all over the world,like industralization,urbanization,increasing role of science and technology and rise of mercantilism and capitalism.These stories were happening during the time of Great Depression,a lot of people were scared of wars because they just been in one and they were scared of another one this combined with the problems inside the country caused by Great Depression lead to a lot of people losing hope for better tommorow and also losing meaning in their lives.A lot of examples to this state of things is showed throughout all this books and throught the characters,which are struggling with losing hope and meaning in their lives.People during this time we’re losing hope and chasing the wrong values like money,because of what was happening the also turned away from God and started questioning their faith.We could say that money became they’re new false God.They thought that getting it will bring back they’re meaning for live and give them hope for better tommorow.Characters in the book we’re trying to gain happy families and we’re hoping that money can be one of main factors that can help them accomplish that,which was wrong way of thinking.They we’re focused of wrong things which lead th their downfall. 2.Great Gatsby Gatsby from the book Great Gatsby will be the first character that I will write about. Gatsby was the main character of the book and the person around which the whole story was rolling around.Hope was a major theme throughout the whole book since Gatsby was hoping that Daisy will leave her husband to be with him like it was couple years ago,which he proves with this infamous quote of his “Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!”.With this quote he shows that for all this years he had a hope that him and daisy can be together and he thought that this will lead to happiness and meaning for his live.He was thinking that,because he was lonely and still in love with Daisy and he proves it by saying this “I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes, and felt it in others–young clerks in the dusk, wasting the most poignant moments of night and life”,by this he also shows that it’s really bothering him and leading to his downfall .That was also a biggest motive that was pushing him to succeed throught this years.He even,reinvented himself to accomplish his goal and be at the Daisys status level,which Nick Carraway proves by saying this “The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about His Father’s business, the service of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty. So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end.”He created a completely new person just so he can accomplish his goal, that shows how much faith and hope he had in getting with Daisy..He thought that by winning Daisy back he will gain meaning in live and that’s what he was hoping for. 2.Death of a salesman Willy from the book Death of a Salesman will be the second character I want to talk about. Salesman was hoping that giving his sons a future will make them happy and set them up for live,whenever any of them made a decision that could lead to entering the path that Willy wanted them to be on,he could turn he’s state from being pretty much depressed to being maniacally optimistic,he shows that in this quote when his son showed interest in taking a loan and buying a ranch “Like a young god. Hercules—something like that. And the sun, the sun all around him. Remember how he waved to me? Right up from the field, with the representatives of three colleges standing by? And the buyers I brought, and the cheers when he came out—Loman! Loman! Loman! God Almighty, he’ll be great yet. A star like that, magnificent, can never really fade away”.He remembers Biff as a high school football hero, which was also a moment of triumph for Willy. Willy transfers his own hopes and ambitions to his son, and he deceives himself that his son is too magnificent to fail. Salesman wants wrong and his hope was false,because one of them didn’t want to go this path and he said it here “Why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be? What am I doing in an office, making a contemptuous, begging fool of myself, when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am!” And the second one,which went the way Willy wanted him to,realized that it wasn’t what he wants in live “I don’t know what the hell I’m workin’ for. Sometimes I sit in my apartment—all alone. And I think of the rent I’m paying. And it’s crazy. But then, it’s what I always wanted. My own apartment, a car, plenty of women, and still, goddamnit, I’m lonely.”.When they choose different routes in their lives Willy wasn’t happy with that but he was still hoping that he can make them change and give them the future he was planning them to have he thought that this would give him a meaning and was hoping that it will make him and his family happy.He was wrong and when he realized that this won’t happen he completely lost his hope and meaning,that lead to his death in the book. 3.Streetcar named desire Blanche from the book Streetcar named desire is the last character I want to talk the start of the book she was pure and innocent and that’s what she symbolized.She wanted a man that would love her for who she is.She met Mitch and she was hoping that her relationship with him will make her happy and give her a meaning.Because of Stanley who as a friend of Mitch and in order to ruin Blanche told him about her past,because it was his duty to tell his friend and as Stanley said “there’s no way Mitch will marry her now”.It horrified even Stella,because both her and Blanche thought that Blanche and Mitch will get married.When Mitch seen Blanche after hearing about her past he reacted by hugging her and said that he was simply sorry for her.He also said that they can’t get married but at the same time he showed interest in still having sex with her.When it didn’t work out she was sleeping around with men and was hoping that that it will make her feel wanted and valuable and give her a meaning,which it didn’t .In the last act of the book she even said to a doctor “Whoever you are—I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”.It shows that Blanche sees Doctor as a Gentelman,the person she been waiting for this whole time, it is ironic ,because first doctor wasn’t the type of gentleman and second her dependence on the kindness of strangers is the reason why her live didn’t go so well.In reality strangers were kind to her only in exchange for sex and pleasure in general.Beside that people of Lauren denied sympathy towards Blanche, it also show her decision to perceive live only as she wishes to.That led to her tragic ending. 4.Conclusion In conclusion Losing hope and meaning in modern world is shown throught my arguments stated above in all three of the books I was talking about and all characters showed it by their actions and words.As I said earlier it’s showed for Gatsby by the loneliness that was pushing him towards the goal and later how he Lost it all. For Willy when he was chasing money and wanted his family to succed by following the part he made for them and how he Lost hope and meaning when I turned out impossible.For Blanche how she wanted love and affection and how didn’t get it and lost hope and meaning All this stories leads to conclusion how in times of Great Depression and modernism all these people lost their values and were like rebels agains the modern era and what was happening in the world This is what i have so far It needs to have 3 body paragraphs about this 3 characters im writing about introduction and conclusion all the quotes (at least 2 per body paragraph) need to have page number where the quote is and author of the quote

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