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This essay has to be long. It has to be about 2000 words. That is the requiremen

This essay has to be long. It has to be about 2000 words. That is the requirement for credit at this level. To generate that kind of length, you can summarize and paraphrase more research. This means that you have to find several sources, at least four, but a few more may even be better. The sources may be academic journals or books, not Wikipedia or blogs (though some blogs may be acceptable). You must also include summary and paraphrase (including a few quotes) of Richard Louv from his book. (Please understand this requirement is necessary by law as it is in my course outline, the legal document that ensures what I have to do.) Your task is to present this research as evidence to back up your thesis. You may come up with your own thesis. If you choose this option, please email me what you want to write about. Of course, your thesis must be related to the ideas presented by Louv in his book. If you are not sure what you want to argue, you may choose to write an “I agree” or “I disagree” essay that presents your perspective on the thesis proposed by Louv. Remember, Louv’s thesis is something like, “Exposing children to direct experience in nature has many positive benefits for their psychology, yet developed societies are severing the traditional connection to nature and the results are bad.” Of course, it could be a more simply stated thesis: “Children need nature because 1. it is traditional, 2. it is educational, and 3. because not experiencing nature has detrimental results.” So, you can argue whether you agree that the problem is dire, whether direct experience is a practical solution if the problem is dire…anything along those lines. Remember: it doesn’t matter which side of the issue you argue; it only matters how well you back up your points (and how clear your writing is). Â I had mentioned in the video lecture about the possibility of researching the role of direct experience in nature as part of education in other countries. It is not wrong to research that and come up with a thesis to back up what you find. It is also possible to take Louv’s thesis and expand it to adults and argue that there should be direct experience nature education for adults. You could research programs and find expert testimony. Does that help? Email me what you’re thinking. MLA format means your essay has to look the right way and the list of works cited and citations have to look the right way. Ask questions if you have any.

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