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this is a reply peer discussion please be kind and agree with the peer Nurses

this is a reply peer discussion please be kind and agree with the peer Nurses everywhere have long struggled with ethical challenges in patient care. In fact, in Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing, she discussed ethical duties of confidentiality, communication, and therefore the centrality of meeting patients’ needs (Nightingale, 1859; Ulrich & Zeitzer, 2009). Similarly, nurses today are absolute to uphold the foundational moral virtues, duties and principles central to the nursing profession. However, it’s become increasingly difficult for nurses all told parts of the globe to practice with integrity amidst the complex moral choices and pressures that nurses confront. (Ulrich, C. M., Taylor, et al. 2010) Today’s healthcare environment is demanding for nurses at a time when there’s a critical shortage of staff to satisfy the multifaceted needs of patients. An ethical issue can occur in any healthcare situation where profound moral questions of “rightness” or “wrongness” underlie professional decision-making and therefore the beneficent care of patients. for instance, critical care nurses often face suffering head-on, and might question the balance between the worth of attempts to preserve a patient’s life and aggressive physiological measures that appear to prolong anguish and yield no fruitful outcome. Understandably, all members of the healthcare team, including nurses, may be laid low with ethical decisions as they address the stressful and sometimes exhausting nature of working through ethical problems. (Ulrich, C. M., Taylor, et al. 2010) Many of the studies that specialize in ethical problems in nursing practice produce data unique to a specific specialty area. Such study topics include ethical issues under control use in psychological state (Redman & Fry, 2003); providing care to high risk neonates (van Zuuren & van Manen, 2006; Janvier et al. 2007; Kain, 2007; Epstein, 2008); initiating, withholding, and withdrawing treatment and advance directives in acute and long-term care (Crego & Lipp 1998; Burns et al. 2001; Redman & Fry 2003); conflict resolution in parent-child-provider relationships in pediatric care (Butz et al. 1998); and physician collaboration, autonomy, and insurance constraints in advanced practice (Laabs 2005; Ulrich et al. 2007). Studies have shown that nurses, more often than their physician colleagues, feel that end-of-life ethical issues don’t seem to be thoroughly discussed within the care team or with families and significant others (Levi et al. 2004). Preliminary studies (Corley et al. 2005) have explored professionals’ experiences of ethical stress associated with their inability to require moral action. Redman and Fry (2003) published exploratory work on what’s known about ethical conflicts among nurse leaders. Fry and Duffy (2001) developed and tested a tool (Ethical Issues Scale) to assess the total range of ethical issues experienced by nurses in current practice and also the frequency of their occurrences. Seventy-nine percent of the 934 nurses surveyed by the American Nurses Association Center for Ethics and Human Rights at the ANA Convention in 1994 reported confronting ethical issues in practice daily (43%) or weekly (36%). Over 50% of those nurses identified the subsequent four issues because the most frequent: cost-containment issues that jeopardized patient welfare; end-of-life decisions; breaches of patient confidentiality; and incompetent, unethical or illegal practices of colleagues. Pain management, use of advance directives, consent for procedures, access to healthcare, issues within the care of persons with HIV/AIDs, and providing “futile” treatment completed the list of 10 (Scanlon 1994). Previous researchers, however, haven’t explored the kind, frequency, and level of stress that ethical problems engender in nurses across practice specialties. Unethical behaviors in nursing education are emergent problems that seriously disrupts the teaching-learning environment and infrequently leads to stressful student/faculty relationships. Nursing educator who demonstrate positive, respectful behaviors, encourage similar behaviors from their students. Conversely, educator who is aloof, disinterested, and demeaning may invoke their students’ hostility. Nurse educators have to apply ethical behaviors so as to encourage a positive student–instructor relationship and to make a secure and nurturing environment. This study aims to spot the perception of unethical behaviors in nursing education among nursing educators, students and staff at El-Minia Faculty of Nursing. This study was dispensed at faculty of nursing and Minia University Hospital. The study sample included a complete number of 300: 200 students were enrolled within the four academic years (50 from each academic year), 50 Nursing educators, and 50 Nursing staff. Unethical behaviors in nursing education questionnaire was used for data collection. The study revealed that the foremost perceived academic unethical behaviors by the study sample were aggression, disregard for others and abuse of position. there have been also a highly statistically significant difference between mean uncountable academic unethical behaviors by the study sample, it’s concluded that, the foremost perceived academic unethical behaviors by the study subjects were aggression, disregard for others and, abuse of position. Also, there was highly statistically significant difference between mean legion academic unethical behaviors by the study sample. it absolutely was recommended to conduct a study to look at impact of student unethical behavior on the nursing profession and nursing educators. (Sanaa Abd, , Shereen Ahmed, 2013) References 1. Ulrich, C. M., Taylor, C., Soeken, K., O’Donnell, P., Farrar, A., Danis, M., & Grady, C. (2010). Everyday ethics: ethical issues and stress in nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 66(11), 2510–2519. 2. Burns JP, Mitchell C, Griffith JL, Troug RD. (2001). End-of-life care in the pediatric intensive care unit: Attitudes and practices of pediatric critical care physicians and nurses. Critical Care Medicine. 29(3), 658–664. 3. Butz A, Redman BK, Fry ST, Kolodner K. (1998). Ethical conflicts experienced by certified pediatric nurse practitioners in ambulatory settings. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 12(4), 183–190. 4. Crego PJ, Lipp EJ. (1998). Nurses’ knowledge of advance directives. American Journal of Critical Care.7(3), 218–223. 5. Corley M. (2002). Moral distress: A proposed theory and research agenda. Nursing Ethics. 9(6), 636–650. 6. Epstein EG. (1998). End-of-life experiences of nurses and physicians in the newborn intensive care unit. Journal of Perinatology. 28(11), 771–778. 7. Fry ST, Duffy ME. (2003). The development and psychometric evaluation of the ethical issues scale. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 33, 273–277. 8. Janvier A, Nadeau S, Deschênes M, Couture E, Barrington KJ. (2007). Moral distress in the neonatal intensive care unit: Caregiver’s experience. Journal of Perinatology. 27(4), 203–208. 9. Kain VJ. (2007). Moral distress and providing care to dying babies in neonatal nursing. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 13(5):243–248. 10. Laabs CA. (2005). Moral problems and distress among nurse practitioners in primary care. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.17(2), 76–84 11. 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