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This week’s assignment focuses our attention in one issue: Single Use Plastics (

This week’s assignment focuses our attention in one issue: Single Use Plastics (SUPs). It is sometimes easy to get overwhelmed by information about our environment. We can fail to see how changing our behaviors can actually have an impact on the Earth wellbeing. Please read the article by Lavelle-Hill et al. (2020), enough to understand how they did the study and what were the main conclusions. Watch the video on living for a month without plastic and read the NY State bag reduction law (short). These three sources can help you answer the following question: Is it possible to modify our behavior to reduce the consumption of plastics? Please write a paragraph demonstrating that you have an understanding of this issue and that you have used the presented materials. Please upload a file instead of typing on the comments. Make sure you upload a compatible file. Grading 5% Means: Student wrote a thoughtful paragraph that showed that the materials were covered and used to answer the question posed. 3% Means: Student wrote a paragraph making partial reference to the materials for this week, questions were answered superficially. 0% Means: Student did not turn in the assignment or did it in a way that clearly did not meet the criteria described above. Links:

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