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Topic: Why did a majority of the U.S. population protest the Vietnam War? You ar

Topic: Why did a majority of the U.S. population protest the Vietnam War? You are required to include at least three references, or citations, to the assigned class material in your response and three types of sources (textbook, primary source, lecture, film clips). A citation to class material comes at the end of a sentence. Here are examples: the textbook (Roark, 34), a primary source (Primary Source Author Last Name, 3), lecture (Lecture, chapter X) or film clip (film title). If you are using a direct quotation (exact words form the source), you must include quotation marks around the quoted words and the source of the words. For example, “The quoted sentence.” (Roark, 56). Written source (textbook and primary sources) must include a page number. Please do not use any outside source. All three sources all required

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