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Use CINAHL or Medline database to locate and research peer reviewed nursing arti

Use CINAHL or Medline database to locate and research peer reviewed nursing articles less than 5 years old. The annotated bibliography will start with an Introductory Statement that identifies and describes a patient care issue for nursing. It could be healthcare associated infections, such as ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), personal protective equipment protocol, disaster preparedness, medication administration safety, etc. This is approximately 4 sentences and provides a rationale why the issue is important to nursing. Identify the database and key words used to do your search. Use the PICOT format to formulate a clinical question. Clearly identify all 5 components of the PICOT question. P= Patient population I= Intervention or issue of interest C= Comparison intervention or issue of interest O= Outcome T= Time frame Example: In patients with coronary artery disease (P= patients/population), do cardiac rehabilitation programs (I=intervention) versus usual care (C=comparison) reduce readmissions, improve quality of life, and affect mortality rates (O=outcome) during the first 6 months after hospitalization (T=time period)? Identify 3 current (within 5 years) , scholarly peer reviewed nursing articles that provide information directly related to your patient care issue. How to Write an Annotated Bibliography PPT How do I know if my articles are peer-reviewed? For each article summary, you will write an annotated bibliography. Include the following: Identify the purpose of the study. Describe the population studied. Describe the methods used to collect data. What were the major findings? What were the conclusions? See the grading rubric. Use APA 7th Edition format. Please include a Title Page. The paper must be a Word document, double spaced, and approx 2-3 pages long. Papers will NOT be accepted with an originality score greater than 30% in Turnitin. RUBRIC;Introductory Statement 2pts: Includes an introductory statement that identifies and describes a patient care issue for nursing. Statement is at least 4 sentences and identifies the patient care issue, provides a rationale why the issue is important to nursing, and identifies the database and keywords used for the literature. 1.5 pt: Identifies a patient care issue for nursing, but does not describe the issue in detail or does not include one of the required sentences. 1 pt: Identifies a patient care issue for nursing, but does not describe the issue or does not include two of the required sentences. 0.5-0 pt: Does not identify a patient care issue or does not include three or more of the required sentences. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePICOT format 2 pts: Uses the PICOT format to formulate a clinical question. Clearly identifies all five components of the PICOT question. 1.5 pt: Identifies components of the PICOT question, but at least one component is not clear. 1 pt: Identifies components of the PICOT question, but at least two components are not clear. 0.5-0 pt: Identifies components of the PICOT question, but three or more components are not clear. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRetrieves articles 2 pt: Retrieves three (3) current (within the last 5 years) and scholarly (peer reviewed) articles for the chosen topic. 1.5 pt: Retrieves articles for the chosen topic, but one article is either not current or scholarly. 1 pt: Retrieves articles for the chosen topic, but two articles are either not current or scholarly. 0.5-0 pt: Does not retrieve articles that are current or scholarly for the chosen topic. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWrites an annotated bibliography for each article. 2 pts: Writes an annotated bibliography for each of the three (3) articles that includes the following: 1. Identify the purpose of the study. 2. Describe the population studied. 3. Describe the methods used to collect data. 4. What were the major findings? 5. What were the conclusions? 1.5 pt: Writes an annotated bibliography for each of the three articles, but is missing one of the required information. 1.0 pt: Writes an annotated bibliography for each of the three articles, but is missing two of the required information. 0.5-0 pt: Does not write an annotated bibliography for each of the three articles or one or more annotations is missing four or more of the required information. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, grammar and APA forma 2 pt: No spelling or grammatical errors. One (1) or two (2) error in APA formatting. 1.5 pt: One or two spelling or grammatical errors or three or four errors in APA formatting. 1 pt: Four or five spelling or grammatical errors or five or six errors in APA formatting. 0.5-0 pt: Six or more 5 spelling or grammatical errors or seven or more errors in APA formatting. 2 pts Total Points: 10


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