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Using AutoFill

Excel: (Using AutoFill)

STEP 1: Using Auto Fill – Dates

Sometimes it is easier to get Excel to fill in the data for you using the concept of ‘Auto Fill’. To demonstrate this feature, I have created a second Worksheet and entered the following data. Notice that I have made the Date column type ‘Date’ – more on data types later.

Highlight the cell that you want to be the basis on the Auto Fill process. Notice the ‘little square’ in the bottom right-hand corner.

Put your mouse pointer directly onto this square and, while keeping your left-hand mouse button depressed, drag the pointer down the column and it will show on screen the next value to be inserted. Keep dragging down until you have all the dates you need. In the screenshot below, I have covered all of January 2020 and into the start of February – just to demonstrate this feature. You could of course put all 365 days in.

Drag pointer down


But you can go further. Maybe you only want to see weekday sales and to remove all dates that fall on a weekend? No problem, simply click the Auto Fill icon and do the following:

Weekends Removed

STEP 2: Using Auto Fill – Text & Numbers

Suppose we now wish to go into more detail and want daily sales but on a regional level, not global. That means we need a sales column for each region. The original single ‘Sales’ column needs to be duplicated – so we apply the same Auto Fill technique but this time moving horizontally.

Drag pointer across

Again, highlight the cell that you want to be the basis on the Auto Fill process. Notice the ‘little square’ in the bottom right-hand corner. Put your mouse pointer directly onto this square and, while keeping your left-hand mouse button depressed, drag the pointer across the spreadsheet for as many cells as you need (one per region). I have assumed there are 10 regions.

You can then manually type in the region names.

Now assume that a daily sales target has been fixed for each region. The target will differ between regions but is the same every day throughout the year. I thus edit the cell from ‘52’ to ‘Target: ‘.

I can now Auto Fill the other 9 cells using the above technique.

Manually enter each region’s daily target:

Now Auto Fill the remaining days:


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