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Using your knowledge of your specific organization, the four frames, appreciative inquiry (strengths

Using your knowledge of your specific organization, the four frames, appreciative inquiry (strengths of existing organizational culture), and strategic management (7 areas of logical incrementalism), please develop at least 10 questions to use for a management interview using organization development skills

Interview questions should never be yes/no nor either/or in format (don’t start with “have you ever?” “do you?”). They should be “open-ended,” in a way that allows the interviewee to expand on their thoughts.

Also, you need to ask at least one “direct question” that addresses what they would like to change, improve, or explore as an opportunity.

Note! required: With each developed question, include a reference to identify one of the above four areas/categories that relate to the specific question. I ask this in an attempt to make sure you cover these four areas, somewhat.

I’d recommend starting with 2-3 “Appreciative” questions before getting into “areas of critique.” That being said, please avoid any pejorative questions that show any bias or beliefs, on your part, on what is “wrong with your organization.”

***Feel free to develop more questions (no more than 12 total). I have attached the reference documents to help you develop the questions

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