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watch the “39 Steps” play MLA Format Times New Romans 12 point font 1.5″ spacing

watch the “39 Steps” play MLA Format Times New Romans 12 point font 1.5″ spacing 1″ margins The following 4 questions must be answered in this paper: 1. how was the color, texture and/or style used to give you clues of the personalities of the characters? please provide examples! 2. what was the period of the costumes? were the costumes from a period other yhan the period in which the play was written or originsl set? 3. did the costumes call attention to themselves or did they support the play? 4. what do you think of the overall dedign? including lightimg and scenic design. the paper must include a concept statement that summarizes your vision of the play. concept statements include: a. what is the point of biewabout the profuction? b. whats the play really about? c. what fo uou want yo communicate to the audience? d. what is the production trying to accomplish? e. what is the production trying to say? MUST BE ARGUIBLE and personsl. NOT A Synopsis. next: it must include a play analysis that will highlight the theme of the play and identify the important moments of the character. when writing a play analysis write down notes on costume needs, first impressions of the characters did and any color or texture that cone to mind. you need to be able to justify your choices. is your concept supported by any lines? develop a character analysis for each character. character anslysis should include the following 9 things: 1. historical priod 2. season & weather 3. geographic place 4. social status 5. time of day 6. occupation 7. gender 8. age 9. activity performed

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