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Write one essay of 2 ½ -3 pages (no longer) on ONE of the following topics. Be

Write one essay of 2 ½ -3 pages (no longer) on ONE of the following topics. Be sure to follow the paper guidelines outlined in your syllabus. In addition, please indicate in your heading or on the cover page by number which topic you chose. In your narrative: **Focus on a single experience – an incident that conveys the point of the experience, not a history. (Example – like the boy dancing with his father in “My Papa’s Waltz” is an incident that represents their relationship; or the incident of shooting an elephant in Orwell relates to larger awareness) **Include in your essay the narration of a sequence of events (what happened) that will convey your point through the narration of what happened. SHOW don’t tell about it. **Make one paragraph strictly for a description that contributes to your point. **Be sure your essay has a theme or point understood by way of the narrative (not telling). CHOOSE ONE TOPIC from the list below The essays named after each topic indicate the source of each question and may serve as a model. 1 Write a narrative essay organized around a thing (a jacket, a tool, a bike, shoes, food) or a place (fort or beach) that symbolized important emotions and meanings in your life at that time or helped you to define your identity or values. Choose a specific occasion to illustrate the meaning so you can use a sequence of events as well as description to demonstrate your point. (White, Keegan). 2 Orwell’s experience taught him something not only about himself but also about something beyond himself – the way British imperialism worked. Write a narrative essay that reveals how an incident in your life taught you something about some larger social or political force as well as about yourself. 3 Choose an important local or national event you remember hearing about, and use a Web site to help you locate newspaper or magazine articles (stories) about the event to find out more. Then, imagine that you have witnessed the event first hand (based on facts in the article) and write the narrative of what you experienced (Gansberg p.128). Use the details you read about (see the “writing workshop” on Gansberg p. 132) to form the narrative. Use your own words and storyline throughout – no paraphrase or summary of the reading. Cite your source and provide the link.

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