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Write three to four pages in which you introduce the problem you’ve chosen to address in your Policy

EXPLORATORY SECTION: ENTERING THE CONVERSATION TASK: Write three to four pages in which you introduce the problem you’ve chosen to address in your Policy Proposal. Convince your audience not only that the problem exists but also that it is urgent and severe enough to require immediate action and expenditure of resources. Provide all the history, background and contextual information that your target audience will need to understand the problem and, eventually, support your policy claim. Discuss the most important causal relationships for the persuasive purposes of your essay. This can include both the causes and effects of your problem. Show your audience what experts concerned with the problem are saying in the media. Use the tools for integrating source material to show your mastery of the source material. Use at least five (5) high-quality sources to support your points. Use at least two academic sources AND at least two substantial, high-quality journalistic sources. Include a properly formatted reference list.


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