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Writer’s Choice

At this point in the course, you have had some experience with both formal and contextual analysis. You also know what it means to interpret a work of art and support your interpretation with formal and contextual information. In this writing assignment, you will be comparing two works of art. A comparison is invited since they are both sculptures of the same figure: the biblical David. How was each artwork a product of its time? How were the goals of the two artists similar and different because of the time period and place in which they lived? How were those qualities reflected in the sculptures’ elements (execution, line, texture, proportion, etc.)?

Use these prompts to help you generate an analysis and meet the minimum required writing length. Organize your response into four numbered items using the layout below. You’ll be discussing both Renaissance and Baroque traits as you address the specific values of each statue’s time period (contextual style). You’ll also be interpreting the works as you consider the similarities and differences in how they were sculpted (formal properties). Before submitting your essay, be sure to revise and proofread your work–and remember to italicize the titles of the sculptures (but not the artists’ names). Michelangelo’s David #1: Discuss one characteristic of the Renaissance art movement. Explain how it is expressed in Michelangelo’s artwork via one example of its sculptural elements. Write 4-5 full sentences. Michelangelo’s David #2: Discuss another characteristic of the Renaissance art movement. Explain how it is expressed in Michelangelo’s artwork via another example of its sculptural elements. Write 4-5 full sentences. Bernini’s David #1: Discuss one characteristic of the Baroque art movement. Explain how it is expressed in Bernini’s artwork via one example of its sculptural elements. Write 4-5 full sentences. Bernini’s David #2: Discuss another characteristic of the Baroque art movement. Explain how it is expressed in Bernini’s artwork via another example of its sculptural elements. Write 4-5 full sentences.

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