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You have recently started working with a national team athlete as their sport scientist.The coach has given you data on some tests that were completed with this team. The head sport scientis

Assignment Task


Utilising the knowledge you have gained through the lectures, seminars and workshops in this module as well as your own research into the literature, please write a 2000 word report which includes a 1 page coach-friendly summary based upon the scenario outlined below.


You have recently started working with a national team athlete as their sport scientist.

The coach has given you data on some tests that were completed with this team. The head sport scientist has requested that you provide a scientific report to your sports science colleagues and a one-page summary of the findings to forward onto the coach. The report should include the following headings, please note relative mark weightings are provided by each subheading. Please use these mark weightings to direct your word count:

  • Introduction - An introduction to the topic of physiological assessment relevant to the data you have been given. Include relevant literature and concepts that relate to physiological testing.

  • Results - Presentation of results and assessment of the athletes strengths and weaknesses for the various tests in relation to the literature.

  • Discussion - Summary of your findings and any recommendations for focus of future training based upon results discussed. Ensure you critically discuss the results and contextualise them in relation to the literature.

  • Coach friendly summary- A 1-page summary of the key points from your report that is designed to be appropriately pitched for a coach to understand. It should include any information that may influence their coaching practice e.g. training programmes.

Double Blind / Verification Marking Process:

These assessments will be subject to mark verification, whereby a second member of staff scans of the assessments to ascertain that the marks for the module are broadly appropriate and have been fairly arrived at


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