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You will write a paper discussing the organization you chose and apply youth development principles

You will write a paper discussing the organization you chose and apply youth development principles to the organization. Your introduction paragraph(s) should address which organization you chose and why you chose it. Additionally, please describe your organization and what population it serves, what its goals/missions are, what programs are offered, and what job/volunteer opportunities are available. Next, you should discuss the relevant research you found about your organization. What does the research say? Is the organization considered to be effective for youth? What did the organizations social media convey about the organization? Note: if there is not relevant research or a social media presence for the organization you chose, please state what research should be conducted to analyze the organization’s effectiveness and promotion of positive youth development. What should the research look at specifically to determine its effectiveness? Now, you should reflect on the organization and connect the organization to at least four principles of positive youth development you have learned about this semester (i.e., developmental assets, serving all ages, community influences, etc.). How does this organization relate to these topics you’ve learned about in this class? Then, you should critically analyze this organization. Does it promote positive youth development? What are some positive aspects of the organization? What are some drawbacks to or challenges in the organization? Lastly, you should summarize the major takeaways from your organization. What have you learned? What do you think about the organization now that you have researched it? Would you recommend it to future youth you may work with? 4-6 pages long APA style (12-point Times New Roman font, page numbers, references, etc.).

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